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Welcome to CIS 351!

This is the main website for the course. The slides, schedule, and links to assignments, labs, projects, as well as the official course policies, will be posted here. The course also uses other websites for specific purposes.

  • Piazza is a question-and-answer forum. All official announcements will be sent through Piazza, and you are responsible for monitoring Piazza to keep up to date with announcements (Piazza by default will send an email when an announcement is posted).
    • You can read the following Piazza FAQ if you have questions.
  • Prairielearn is where you will submit all of your assignments, labs, and projects. After submitting labs to Prairielearn, don't forget to update the "Grade me" spreadsheet as described in the syllabus.
  • ClassTranscribe is where the videos will be hosted.

That seems like a lot to monitor, but don't worry -- you really need only actively follow Piazza. I will release announcements there any time assignments or videos are assigned, and I will post links to them directly on this page.

Be sure to read through the syllabus for course policies, contact information, and other important info.


** Note: This is an estimated timeline and subject to change. **

Week Topics Activities Deliverables
1 Introduction
intro slides
Combinational circuits
circuits slides
circuit representation slides
conversion slides
SOP & PLA slides
logical completeness slides
In-class Activities Syllabus quiz

Lab partner survey
2 Binary numbers
intro slides
usage slides
tricks/tips slides
Negative binary numbers
sign-magnitude slides
two's complement slides
overflow slides
Boolean algebra
simplification slides
Ripple-carry adder
half adder slides
ripple-carry adder slides
Circuit Timing
circuit timing slides
In-class Activities Lab 1 -- Introduction to DLUnit

HW1: Combinational circuits -- Friday, Sep. 9 (recommended)
3 Ripple-Carry Timing
ripple-carry timing slides
multiplexor slides
Carry-select adder
carry-select slides part 1
carry-select slides part 2
Carry-lookahead adder
carry-lookahead slides part 1
carry-lookahead slides part 2
In-class Activities

Practice Midterm 1

Practice Midterm 1 Solutions

System-check exam

System-check exam (timed)
Lab 2 -- First breadboard lab

HW2: Boolean Algebra -- Friday, Sep. 16 (recommended)
4 Karnaugh Maps
k-map slides
latches slides
In-class Activities First Midterm -- Tuesday, Sep. 20 (in lab)

Lab 3 -- Building adder lab
5 Flip-flops
Synchronous sequential circuits
flip-flop slides
synchronous sequential slides
timing sequential slides
pipelining slides
In-class Activities Project 1 -- Friday, Sep. 30 (standard credit)
6 Turning circuits into computers
automatic computer
Handout: Building a computer

Practice Midterm 2

Practice Midterm 2 Solutions
Lab 4 -- Sequential circuits

HW3: Sequential Circuits -- Friday, Oct. 7 (recommended)
7 Computer Architecture

R-type microarchitecture
R-type datapath

I-type instructions
Implementing arithmetic I-type

conditional branching
In-class Activities Second Midterm -- Monday, Oct. 10 (in lab)

Project 2 -- Wednesday, Oct. 12 Friday, Oct. 14 (standard credit)
8 Unconditional branch (jump)

Assembly programming constructs
conditionals (if statements)

Branch microarchitecture
Implementing branches

Memory load/store
memory instructions
Implementing load and store
In-class Activities Lab 5: Assembly Intro
9 Control logic
Control logic

arrays and loops

Memory handout

Practice Exam 3

Practice Exam 3 Solutions
Lab 6 -- Branches

HW4: Architecture and Microarchitecture -- Friday, Oct. 28
10 Stack
In-class Activities Third Midterm -- Tuesday, Nov. 1
11 Memory
memory map
loading and executing

Programming with memory
data segment code
heap code
generic debugging code
stack vs heap vs global (optional -- no video)

Cache motivation
cache motivation

Direct-mapped cache
direct-mapped cache
In-class Activities

Direct-mapped Cache Handout

Practice Exam 4

Practice Exam 4 Solutions
Project 3 -- Wednesday, Nov. 9 (standard credit)
12 Cache conflicts
cache conflicts

Associative cache
associative cache mapping
associative cache conflicts (LRU)

Varying block size in cache
mapping with larger block sizes
blocks of addresses
associativity vs block size and address bits
In-class Activities

Set-associative cache handout
Fourth Midterm -- Tuesday, November 15

HW5: Stack and Microarchitecture -- Monday, November 14 (recommended)

Loops and Recursion lab -- Tuesday Nov. 15 (recommended)
13 Cache performance
cache performance
In-class Activities Fourth Midterm -- Tuesday, November 22

Computer Instruction Types lab -- Tuesday, November 22 (recommended)
14 Basic pipelining in MIPS
pipeline intro
pipeline performance
In-class Activities HW6: Cache -- Friday, Dec. 2 (recommended)
15 Data and Control Hazards
data hazards
control hazards
In-class Activities

Practice final
Practice final solutions
Cache Lab -- Tuesday, December 6 (Recommended)

Pipeline lab
16 Final Exam

8 AM section -- Monday, Dec. 12 @ 8-9:50 AM in EOS

4 PM section -- Wednesday, Dec. 14 @ 4-5:50 PM in EOS

Useful links


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