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Sequence Diagram Research

Mahmut Buğra Mert edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 1 revision

What is Sequence Diagram?

To understand what a sequence diagram is, it's important to know the role of the Unified Modeling Language, better known as UML. UML is a modeling toolkit that guides the creation and notation of many types of diagrams, including behavior diagrams, interaction diagrams, and structure diagrams.

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how—and in what order—a group of objects works together. These diagrams are used by software developers and business professionals to understand requirements for a new system or to document an existing process. Sequence diagrams are sometimes known as event diagrams or event scenarios.

Note that there are two types of sequence diagrams: UML diagrams and code-based diagrams. The first one works in a drag and drop manner. The latter is sourced from programming code. Here are some websites for creating UML diagrams:

  • PlantUML(Especially for code-based diagrams)
  • SequenceDiagram(Works both way)
  • in drag and drop manner, I suppose also may be used as code-based)
  • Lucidchart(Also works in drag and drop manner, I suppose also may be used as code-based)

Benefits of sequence diagrams

Sequence diagrams can be useful references for businesses and other organizations. Try drawing a sequence diagram to:

  • Represent the details of a UML use case.
  • Model the logic of a sophisticated procedure, function, or operation.
  • See how objects and components interact with each other to complete a process.
  • Plan and understand the detailed functionality of an existing or future scenario.
  • Depict the interaction between the objects in a sequential order i.e. the order in which these interactions occur.
  • Describe how and in what order the objects in a system function.

Use cases for sequence diagrams

The following scenarios are ideal for using a sequence diagram:

  • Usage scenario: A usage scenario is a diagram of how your system could potentially be used. It's a great way to make sure that you have worked through the logic of every usage scenario for the system.
  • Method logic: Just as you might use a UML sequence diagram to explore the logic of a use case, you can use it to explore the logic of any function, procedure, or complex process.
  • Service logic: If you consider a service to be a high-level method used by different clients, a sequence diagram is an ideal way to map that out.

Basic symbols and components

To understand what a sequence diagram is, you should be familiar with its symbols and components. Sequence diagrams are made up of the following icons and elements:

Symbol Name Description
image Object symbol Represents a class or object in UML. The object symbol demonstrates how an object will behave in the context of the system. Class attributes should not be listed in this shape.
image Activation box Represents the time needed for an object to complete a task. The longer the task will take, the longer the activation box becomes.
image Actor symbol Shows entities that interact with or are external to the system.
image Package symbol Used in UML 2.0 notation to contain interactive elements of the diagram. Also known as a frame, this rectangular shape has a small inner rectangle for labeling the diagram.
image Lifeline symbol Represents the passage of time as it extends downward. This dashed vertical line shows the sequential events that occur to an object during the charted process. Lifelines may begin with a labeled rectangle shape or an actor symbol.
image Option loop symbol Used to model if/then scenarios, i.e., a circumstance that will only occur under certain conditions.
image Alternative symbol Symbolizes a choice (that is usually mutually exclusive) between two or more message sequences. To represent alternatives, use the labeled rectangle shape with a dashed line inside.

Common message symbols

Use the following arrows and message symbols to show how information is transmitted between objects. These symbols may reflect the start and execution of an operation or the sending and reception of a signal.

Symbol Name Description
image Synchronous message symbol Represented by a solid line with a solid arrowhead. This symbol is used when a sender must wait for a response to a message before it continues. The diagram should show both the call and the reply.
image Asynchronous message symbol Represented by a solid line with a lined arrowhead. Asynchronous messages don't require a response before the sender continues. Only the call should be included in the diagram.
image Asynchronous return message symbol Represented by a dashed line with a lined arrowhead.
image Asynchronous create message symbol Represented by a dashed line with a lined arrowhead. This message creates a new object.
image Reply message symbol Represented by a dashed line with a lined arrowhead, these messages are replies to calls.
image Delete message symbol Represented by a solid line with a solid arrowhead, followed by an X. This message destroys an object.

An example Sequence Diagram for ATM systems

An ATM allows patrons to access their bank accounts through a completely automated process. You can examine the steps of this process in a manageable way by drawing or viewing a sequence diagram. The example below outlines the sequential order of the interactions in the ATM system. image

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