MongoDB C driver wrapper from NekoVM
Feel free to fork, and send me pull-request if you wish your work to me merged in this repository.
Currently, it only supports :
- Connect to a Mongo database
- Query with limit and parameters
- Insert
- Insert in batch
You will need mongo C driver installed and copied into include path.
You can find mongo C driver here :
You will also need neko.h and libneko. You can have them by installing neko.
Currently I only made an Makefile for Linux.
Contributions are welcome to compile DLL for Windows / MacOS.
To compile for linux, just open a terminal in the root folder, and use "make" command.
NDLL will be placed in the bin/ folder.
This driver is made to be as closed as the C driver as possible.
You will need to use MongoDB.hx and Bson.hx files included in the src/ directory.
var db = new MongoDB("", 27017);
Auth connection aren't supported yet by this wrapper.
var query = new Bson();
query.set("index"+level, index);
query.set("random", {'$gte' : r});
var values:Array<Dynamic> = db.queryAll('dbtest.test', query);
var b = new Bson();
b.set("word", "hello");
b.set("random", Math.random());
db.insert('dbtest.test', b);
This wrapper is released under the GPL V3 licence. For more information, see the LICENCE file included.