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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 18, 2019. It is now read-only.


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Dockerized Jenkins

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Distribution Version Tag Dockerfile
Alpine 2.141 latest, 2.141 Dockerfile
Alpine stable 2.121.3 2.121.3 Dockerfile
Alpine release candidate rc Dockerfile
Alpine stable release candidate stable-rc Dockerfile

Older tags remain but are not supported/rebuild.

Make It Short

$ docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins

Passing Parameters

You can run the Jenkins solely with command line parameters!


$ docker run \
     -d -p 8090:8080 \
     --name jenkins \
	   blacklabelops/jenkins --debug=9

Staring Jenkins with custom debug level.

Example list parameters:

$ docker run --rm blacklabelops/jenkins --help

Lists jenkins plugin parameters.

Example printing Jenkins version:

$ docker run --rm blacklabelops/jenkins --version

Prints the image's Jenkins version.

Build Slaves

Build Slaves can be found here: blacklabelops/swarm


The detailed manual moved here: