Synchronize the agent name (--agentName) to the display name on the MeshCentral server on each connection if it has changed.
Depends on MeshCentral-PluginHookScheduler and hook_afterCreateMeshAgent
to be enabled.
See Plugins - Installation & Usage
To install, simply add the plugin configuration URL when prompted:
"$schema": "",
"settings": {
"plugins": {
"enabled": true,
"pluginSettings": {
"agentname2servername": {
"#_1": "an empty or undefined include list means, include all",
"#_2": "if names are used instead of ids for nodes it must match the (new) agent name",
"include": [
"exclude": [
- Since this plugin is a bit hacky, using it leads to LOOSING THE INFORMATION about the real hostname/computernam/os name.
- When excluding nodes from an includes mesh, the excluded node might be renamed to its (real) computername when connecting at the same time as other not-excluded nodes.
- If you load the MeshCentral Web UI in a moment where devices are connecting, you might be unable to change device names - just reload.
- Globbing or RegExp