Computing nearest neighbour interchange distances between ranked phylogenetic trees - Code Repository
This repository contains the code for computing the Ranked Nearest Neighbour Interchange (RNNI) distance using the algorithm FindPath from the paper Computing nearest neighbour interchange distances between ranked phylogenetic trees by Lena Collienne and Alex Gavryushkin.
An R package for computing the RNNI distance can be found here.
Rooted trees with branch lengths (given in newick format) can be read through a Python interface and converted to ranked trees. Then distances and shortest paths between those ranked trees in the RNNI space can be computed.
Download repository and compile:
git clone
cd treeOclock
Function | Return value |
Reading trees | |
read_nexus(filename) |
Tree_Array containing all trees from nexus file |
read_newick(newick_string) |
Tree given by newick_string |
Writing Trees | |
tree_to_cluster_string(tree) |
string of cluster representation of input Tree |
RNNI | |
rnni_distance(tree1, tree2) |
RNNI distance between Tree s tree1 and tree2 |
findpath(tree1, tree2) |
Tree_Array containing all trees on shortest path from Tree tree1 to tree2 computed by FindPath |
from tree_parser.tree_io import *
from tree_functions import *
tree1 = read_newick("((1:1,2:1):2,(3:2,4:2):1);")
tree2 = read_newick("(((3:1,4:1):1,2:2):1,1:3);")
print(rnni_distance(tree1, tree2))
path = findpath(tree1, tree2)
for i in range(0, path.num_trees):
A cluster of a tree is a set of leaves descending from an internal node.
A ranked tree can be represented as a list of all its clusters, ordered according to ranks.
When using tree_to_cluster_string
, the leaf labels in the returned cluster representation are integers from 1 to n.
These integers are assigned as leaf labels according to the lexicographic order of leaf labels in the input newick string.
Additionally, ranks of internal nodes are added to each cluster.
For example, (((A:1,B:1):2,(C:2,D:2):1):1,E:4);
in cluster representation is [{1,2}:1,{3,4}:2,{1,2,3,4}:3,{1,2,3,4,5}:4]
We use our own data structure for ranked trees. The following is a summary of all structures defined in tree.h and rnni.h.
Struct | Members | Description |
struct Node | long parent |
parent (-1 if node root) |
long children[2] |
two children (-1 if node leaf) | |
long time |
time of this node (=rank for ranked trees); leaves have time 0 | |
struct Tree | Node* node_array |
array containing 2 * num_leaves - 1 nodes; first num_leaves nodes are leaves, last num_leaves - 1 nodes are internal nodes |
long num_leaves |
number of leaves | |
struct Tree_Array | Tree* trees |
array of trees |
long num_trees |
number of trees | |
struct Path | long** moves |
encoding RNNI moves in a matrix where each moves[i] is one move; moves[i][0] : rank of lower node of interval on which move is performed moves[i][1] : 0 -> rank move, 1 -> NNI move where children[0] moves up, 2-> NNI move where children[1] moves up |
long length |
number of moves |
This is a list of the (probably) most important functions in C code.
Function | Return value |
tree.c | |
void print_tree(Tree* tree) |
prints parent, children, and time for every node in tree.node_array |
int same_tree(Tree* tree1, Tree* tree2) |
returns 1 if tree1 and tree2 are isomorphic |
rnni.c | |
Tree_Array rnni_neighbourhood(Tree* tree) |
returns Tree_Array containing all RNNI neighbours of tree |
void uniform_neighbour(Tree* tree) |
performs RNNI move on tree, uniformly chosen from all possible moves |
long rnni_distance(Tree* start_tree, Tree* dest_tree) |
returns RNNI distance between start_tree and dest_tree |
Path findpath_moves(Tree* start_tree, Tree* dest_tree) |
returns FindPath path in matrix encoding (Path) -- preserves running time O(n^2) while saving all moves |
Tree_Array findpath(Tree* start_tree, Tree* dest_tree) |
returns Tree_Array of all trees on FindPath path -- running time in O(n^3) |
exploring_rnni.c | |
long random_walk(Tree* tree, long k) |
Performs k RNNI moves (uniformly chosen among all possible ones in each step) and returns RNNI distance between initial tree and tree after k moves |