#Docker image with ubuntu 14.04 and biicode
Docker image with:
- ubuntu 14.04
- biicode pre-installed
- C/C++ Tools pre-installed
biicode is a tech start-up based in Madrid, Spain. We develop a multi-platform C and C++ dependency manager
with a hosting service (like Maven and Maven central for Java but for C and C++). We want code reuse made simple.
Our uses CMake as build system and has been integrated with Koding.org or Travis CI and our articles have been featured in the ISO C++ committee’s site.
##How to use this image
First of all, you need to have docker installed.
You have two options:
- Use the Dockerhub Image.
- Build the image manually.
###Dockerhub Image
Run the following command to download and run the docker container.
sudo docker run -t -i davidsanfal/ubuntu14_biicode:latest /bin/bash
Now, try the biicode installation.
biiuser@f2307c434162b:~$ bii --version
###Build the Docker image
Run the following commands to clone de github repository and build the image.
git clone https://github.com/davidsanfal/ubuntu14_biicode.git
cd ubuntu14_biicode
sudo docker build -t biicode .
sudo docker run -t -i biicode /bin/bash
Now, try the biicode installation.
biiuser@f2307c434162:~$ bii --version
##How to use biicode inside the docker container
Now, let’s make an example with SQLite.
First, open and build the examples/sqlite_basic block.
sudo docker run -t -i --rm davidsanfal/ubuntu14_biicode:latest /bin/bash
~$ bii init sql
Successfully initialized biicode project sql
~$ cd sql
~/sql$ bii open examples/sqlite_basic
INFO: Processing changes...
Opened examples/sqlite_basic: 0
~/sql$ bii cpp:build
INFO: Processing changes...
Running: cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Wno-dev ../cmake
[100%] Built target examples_sqlite_basic_main
Now, run the example.
~/sql$ ./bin/examples_sqlite_basic_main
Opened database successfully
SELECT, List Veggies
STORE = Veggies
NAME = Spinach
STORE = Veggies
NAME = Onion
SELECT, List Drinks
STORE = Drinks
NAME = Coffee
SELECT, Updated Lists:
STORE = Drinks
NAME = Coffee
STORE = Veggies
NAME = Onion
Closed database successfully