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API Control
public static class ControlExtensions
Fluent Extensions for Controls
- AccessibleDefaultActionDescription
- AccessibleDescription
- AccessibleName
- AccessibleRole
- AllowDrop
- Also
- Anchor
- AutoScrollOffset
- AutoSize
- BackColor
- BackgroundImage
- BackgroundImageLayout
- Bounds
- Capture
- CausesValidation
- ClientSize
- ContextMenuStrip
- Controls
- Cursor
- Dock
- Enabled
- Font
- FontSize
- ForeColor
- Height
- ImeMode
- IsAccessible
- Leave
- Left
- Location
- Location
- Margin
- MaximumSize
- MaximumSize
- MinimumSize
- MinimumSize
- Name
- OnAutoSizeChanged
- OnBackColorChanged
- OnBackgroundImageChanged
- OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged
- OnBindingContextChanged
- OnCausesValidationChanged
- OnChangeUICues
- OnClick
- OnClientSizeChanged
- OnContextMenuStripChanged
- OnControlAdded
- OnControlRemoved
- OnCursorChanged
- OnDockChanged
- OnDoubleClick
- OnDragDrop
- OnDragEnter
- OnDragLeave
- OnDragOver
- OnEnabledChanged
- OnEnter
- OnFontChanged
- OnForeColorChanged
- OnGiveFeedback
- OnGotFocus
- OnHandleCreated
- OnHandleDestroyed
- OnHelpRequested
- OnImeModeChanged
- OnInvalidated
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyPress
- OnKeyUp
- OnLayout
- OnLocationChanged
- OnLostFocus
- OnMarginChanged
- OnMouseCaptureChanged
- OnMouseClick
- OnMouseDoubleClick
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseEnter
- OnMouseHover
- OnMouseLeave
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp
- OnMouseWheel
- OnMove
- OnPaddingChanged
- OnPaint
- OnParentChanged
- OnPreviewKeyDown
- OnQueryAccessibilityHelp
- OnQueryContinueDrag
- OnRegionChanged
- OnResize
- ONRightToLeftChanged
- OnSizeChanged
- OnStyleChanged
- OnSystemColorsChanged
- OnTabIndexChanged
- OnTabStopChanged
- OnTextChanged
- OnValidated
- OnVisibleChanged
- Padding
- Parent
- Region
- RightToLeft
- Site
- Size
- Size
- TabIndex
- TabStop
- Tag
- Text
- ToBack
- ToFront
- Top
- UseWaitCursor
- Validating
- Visible
- Width
- WindowTarget
public static TControl AccessibleDefaultActionDescription<TControl>(this TControl control,
string defaultActionDescription)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AccessibleDefaultActionDescription
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
defaultActionDescription |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl AccessibleDescription<TControl>(this TControl control,
string accessibleDescription)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AccessibleDescription
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
accessibleDescription |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl AccessibleName<TControl>(this TControl control, string accessibleName)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AccessibleName
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
accessibleName |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl AccessibleRole<TControl>(this TControl control,
AccessibleRole accessibleRole)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AccessibleRole
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
accessibleRole |
- public enum AccessibleRole
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl AllowDrop<TControl>(this TControl control, bool allowDrop)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AllowDrop
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
allowDrop |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Also<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Anchor<TControl>(this TControl control, AnchorStyles anchors)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Anchor
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
anchors |
- [Flags] public enum AnchorStyles
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl AutoScrollOffset<TControl>(this TControl control, Point offset)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AutoScrollOffset
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
offset |
- public class Control : Component
- public struct Point
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl AutoSize<TControl>(this TControl control, bool autoSize)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.AutoSize
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
autoSize |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl BackColor<TControl>(this TControl control, Color color)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.BackColor
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
color |
- public struct Color
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl BackgroundImage<TControl>(this TControl control, Image image)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.BackgroundImage
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
image |
- public class Control : Component
- public abstract class Image : MarshalByRefObject
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl BackgroundImageLayout<TControl>(this TControl control, ImageLayout layout)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.BackgroundImageLayout
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
layout |
- public class Control : Component
- public enum ImageLayout
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Bounds<TControl>(this TControl control, params int[] bounds)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Bounds
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
bounds | Either 2 values (width , height ), ot 2 values (let , top, width, height`). |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Capture<TControl>(this TControl control, bool capture)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Capture
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
capture |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl CausesValidation<TControl>(this TControl control, bool causesValidation)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.CausesValidation
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
causesValidation |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ClientSize<TControl>(this TControl control, Size clientSize)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.ClientSize
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
clientSize |
- public class Control : Component
- public struct Size
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ContextMenuStrip<TControl>(this TControl control,
ContextMenuStrip contextMenu)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.ContextMenuStrip
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
contextMenu |
- public class ContextMenuStrip : ToolStripDropDownMenu
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Controls<TControl>(this TControl control, params Control[] children)
where TControl : Control
Adds all of the children
to the control, and return the current control.
Any child control added with a DockStyle.Fill will be brought to front.
Name | Summary |
control | |
children |
params collection of controls to add. |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Cursor<TControl>(this TControl control, Cursor cursor)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Cursor
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
cursor |
- public class Control : Component
- public sealed class Cursor
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Dock<TControl>(this TControl control, DockStyle dockPosition)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Dock
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
dockPosition |
- public class Control : Component
- public enum DockStyle
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Enabled<TControl>(this TControl control, bool enabled)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Font<TControl>(this TControl control, Font font)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public sealed class Font : MarshalByRefObject
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl FontSize<TControl>(this TControl control, int size)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ForeColor<TControl>(this TControl control, Color foreColor)
where TControl : Control
- public struct Color
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Height<TControl>(this TControl control, int height)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ImeMode<TControl>(this TControl control, ImeMode mode)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public enum ImeMode
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl IsAccessible<TControl>(this TControl control, bool isAccessible)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Leave<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Left<TControl>(this TControl control, int left)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Location<TControl>(this TControl control, Point location)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public struct Point
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Location<TControl>(this TControl control, int left, int top)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Margin<TControl>(this TControl control, params int[] margin)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Margin
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
margin | Variable number of parameters 1 (all), 2 (horizontal, vertical), or 4 (left, top, right, bottom) |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl MaximumSize<TControl>(this TControl control, Size size)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public struct Size
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl MaximumSize<TControl>(this TControl control, int width, int height)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl MinimumSize<TControl>(this TControl control, Size size)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public struct Size
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl MinimumSize<TControl>(this TControl control, int width, int height)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Name<TControl>(this TControl control, string name)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnAutoSizeChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.AutoSizeChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnBackColorChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.BackColorChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnBackgroundImageChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.BackgroundImageChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to
the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnBindingContextChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.BindingContextChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnCausesValidationChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.CausesValidationChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnChangeUICues<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, UICuesEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.ChangeUICues
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, UICuesEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
- public class UICuesEventArgs : EventArgs
public static TControl OnClick<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.Click
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnClientSizeChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.ClientSizeChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnContextMenuStripChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.ContextMenuStripChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnControlAdded<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, ControlEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.ControlAdded
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, ControlEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class ControlEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnControlRemoved<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, ControlEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.ControlRemoved
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, ControlEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class ControlEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnCursorChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.CursorChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnDockChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.DockChanged
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnDoubleClick<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
Hooks the Control.DoubleClick
event to call the provided action
, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
action |
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnDragDrop<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, DragEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, DragEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class DragEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnDragEnter<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, DragEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, DragEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class DragEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnDragLeave<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnDragOver<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, DragEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, DragEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class DragEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnEnabledChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnEnter<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnFontChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnForeColorChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnGiveFeedback<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, GiveFeedbackEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, GiveFeedbackEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class GiveFeedbackEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnGotFocus<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnHandleCreated<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnHandleDestroyed<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnHelpRequested<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, HelpEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, HelpEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class HelpEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnImeModeChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnInvalidated<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, InvalidateEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, InvalidateEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class InvalidateEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnKeyDown<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, KeyEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, KeyEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class KeyEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnKeyPress<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, KeyPressEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, KeyPressEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class KeyPressEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnKeyUp<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, KeyEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, KeyEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class KeyEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnLayout<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, LayoutEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, LayoutEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public sealed class LayoutEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnLocationChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnLostFocus<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMarginChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseCaptureChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseClick<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, MouseEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, MouseEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseDoubleClick<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, MouseEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, MouseEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseDown<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, MouseEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, MouseEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseEnter<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseHover<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseLeave<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseMove<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, MouseEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, MouseEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseUp<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, MouseEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, MouseEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMouseWheel<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, MouseEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, MouseEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnMove<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnPaddingChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnPaint<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, PaintEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, PaintEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class PaintEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnParentChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnPreviewKeyDown<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class PreviewKeyDownEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnQueryAccessibilityHelp<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnQueryContinueDrag<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, QueryContinueDragEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, QueryContinueDragEventArgs arg2);
- public class Control : Component
- public class QueryContinueDragEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnRegionChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnResize<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ONRightToLeftChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnSizeChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnStyleChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnSystemColorsChanged<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnTabIndexChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnTabStopChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnTextChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnValidated<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl OnVisibleChanged<TControl>(this TControl control, Action<TControl> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl obj);
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Padding<TControl>(this TControl control, params int[] padding)
where TControl : Control
Sets the Control.Padding
property, and returns a reference to the control.
Name | Summary |
control | |
padding | Variable number of parameters 1 (all), 2 (horizontal, vertical), or 4 (left, top, right, bottom) |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Parent<TControl>(this TControl control, Control parent)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Region<TControl>(this TControl control, Region region)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public sealed class Region : MarshalByRefObject
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl RightToLeft<TControl>(this TControl control, RightToLeft rtl)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public enum RightToLeft
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Site<TControl>(this TControl control, ISite site)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public interface ISite
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Size<TControl>(this TControl control, Size size)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public struct Size
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Size<TControl>(this TControl control, int width, int height)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl TabIndex<TControl>(this TControl control, int tabIndex)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl TabStop<TControl>(this TControl control, bool tabStop)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Tag<TControl>(this TControl control, object tag)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Text<TControl>(this TControl control, string text)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ToBack<TControl>(this TControl control)
where TControl : Control
Sends the current control to the back of the parent controls collection.
If the control has already been assigned to a parent, then this method calls SendToBack()
immediately and returns
a reference to the control.
Otherwise, if hooks the Control.ParentChanged
event, and then invokes SendToBack()
when the parent is assigned.
NOTE: Thread-safe. Automatically unhooks from event after
has fired.
Name | Summary |
control |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl ToFront<TControl>(this TControl control)
where TControl : Control
Brings the current control to the front of the parent controls collection.
If the control has already been assigned to a parent, then this method calls BringToFront()
immediately and
returns a reference to the control.
Otherwise, if hooks the Control.ParentChanged
event, and then invokes BringToFront()
when the parent is
NOTE: Thread-safe. Automatically unhooks from event after
has fired.
Name | Summary |
control |
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Top<TControl>(this TControl control, int top)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl UseWaitCursor<TControl>(this TControl control, bool useWait)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Validating<TControl>(this TControl control,
Action<TControl, CancelEventArgs> action)
where TControl : Control
- public delegate void Action(TControl arg1, CancelEventArgs arg2);
- public class CancelEventArgs : EventArgs
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Visible<TControl>(this TControl control, bool visible)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl Width<TControl>(this TControl control, int width)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public class TControl : Control
public static TControl WindowTarget<TControl>(this TControl control, IWindowTarget target)
where TControl : Control
- public class Control : Component
- public interface IWindowTarget
- public class TControl : Control