Google IMA HTML5 SDK ads plugin for Clappr video player.
Note: Clappr player version must be >= 0.2.97.
To see the plugin in action, check out demo page.
Add both Clappr and the plugin scripts to your HTML :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Then add ClapprImaPlugin
into the list of plugins of your player instance, and the options for the plugin go in the imaPlugin
property as shown below :
var player = new Clappr.Player({
source: "",
playback: {
playInline: true, // Required by skippable ads on iOS (not fullscreen)
plugins: [
imaPlugin: {
// requestAdIfNoAutoplay: true,
// disableNonLinearForIOS: true,
// resetAdOnEnded: true,
// onAdPlayerReady: function (adPlayer) { adPlayer.on('midpoint', function(o) { console.log(o); }); },
imaAdPlayer: {
tag: '',
// vpaidMode: 2,
// locale: 'fr',
// maxDuration: 30000,
// nonLinearMaxDuration: 8000,
// adsRenderingOptions: {
// useStyledNonLinearAds: true,
// },
Skippable ads require that your video player play content inline (not fullscreen) on iPhone.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
imaAdPlayer | object | yes | The IMA Ad player configuration object. (must at least contain "tag" property) |
disableNonLinearForIOS | boolean | no | Set this option to true to not display non-linear ads on iOS devices. There is a known issue with non-linear ads and "click_to_play" Clappr internal plugin on iOS devices. (default is false) |
onAdPlayerReady | Function | no | Can be used to retrieve IMA Ad Player instance. For example, to bind specific ad player events. |
requestAdIfNoAutoplay | boolean | no | Set this option to true to attempt to pre-request ads if autoplay is not allowed by browser. By default, ads are requested when video content is started. (default is false) |
resetAdOnEnded | boolean | no | Set this option to true to reset ads scenario when content video is ended. By default, ads are not displayed again if video content is restarted. (default is false) |
Install dependencies :
Start HTTP dev server ( :
npm start