This project includes Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates to deploy the solution to Microsoft Azure.
To deploy this application from the supplied ARM templates, an AAD B2C tenant is required. This tenant must be configured with the appropriate attributes, flows and permissions to support the application. The process to configure AAD B2C for this application can be found here.
A number of properties are also required from this tenant to use as input to the deployment, these are summarized here:
Property | Deployment parameter | Comments |
Registered application ID | B2C Client ID | App ID for the application registration in AAD B2C |
App registration secret | App registration client secret | Auth key for application registration, used to set zaprole custom attribute |
Extension App ID | Extension Client ID | App ID for the B2C Extensions app, used to reference custom attributes |
Tenant ID | Tenant ID | Unique identifier for AAD B2C tenant |
Domain Name | B2C domain | AAD B2C domain name |
Token endpoint | B2C Instance | Token endpoint e.g. https://[domain label].b2clogin.com/tfp/ where [domain label] is the first component of the AAD domain name. For the domain contoso.onmicrosoft.com this would be https://contoso.b2clogin.com/tfp/ |
Manager code | Manager code | Initial registration code string to use for organization manager access |
Signup/Signin policy ID | Signup Signin Policy ID | Policy ID for signup/signin user flow e.g. B2C_1_susi |
Edit profile policy ID | Edit profile Policy ID | Policy ID for edit profile user flow e.g. B2C_1_edit_profile |
Reset password policy ID | Reset Password Policy ID | Policy ID for password user flow e.g. B2C_1_password_reset |
Customer/Organization Name | Org Name | Name of customer or organization for application naming e.g. Contoso |
- Cosmos DB - database to support application functionality including organization setup, stores, shifts and bookings
- App Service - application runtime environment, includes deployment of application from source code in this repo
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