Generic multi platform parser for coverage reports to keep track on codacy. Written in Rust
=> hassle free binary release without any dependencies.
- iOS xcov json reports
-h, --help Prints help information
-v Sets the level of verbosity
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --output <OUTPUT> save compiled json to `output`.
--prefix <PREFIX> Prefix the path to the files in the output json with given slice.
-t, --type <TYPE> Set input file type. Available: `json`. defaults to `json`
-l, --language <LANGUAGE> change language parameter for codacy. defaults to `swift`
-p, --parser <PARSER> Set parser to use for coverage extraction. Available: `xcov`. defaults to `xcov`
<PROJECT_TOKEN> Set the codacy project token
<COMMIT> Set the current GIT Commit UUID
<INPUT> Sets the input file to use
This project uses trust CI/CD script. Binary releases are available for many platforms.
- run:
name: install codacy coverage uploader
command: curl -L | tar -xz && chmod +x covrep
- run:
name: upload coverage report to codacy
command: ./covrep $CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN $CIRCLE_SHA1 $FL_OUTPUT_DIR/xcov/report.json