TaskMaster is a to-do manager app that helps you keep track of your tasks and projects across multiple devices. With TaskMaster, you can create tasks, set deadlines, and assign priorities to ensure that you stay organized and productive.
TaskMaster is available on the following platforms:
- Web
- Desktop (MacOS, Linux, Windows)
- Mobile (Android and iOS)
- Web: React, Material UI, TypeScript, Redux
- Desktop: Electron
- Mobile: React Native, React Native Elements, Expo
- Backend: Apollo Express Server, GraphQL, JWT Auth, Mongoose, Docker
- Database: MongoDB
You can download the latest version of TaskMaster from the Releases section. Simply choose the version that corresponds to your platform and follow the installation instructions.
TaskMaster comes with a variety of features that make it easy to manage your tasks and projects:
- Create, edit, and delete tasks
- Set due dates and priorities
- Categorize tasks by project
- Sync tasks across multiple devices
- Log in through your Google account
Check out the live preview of TaskMaster here: https://taskmaster0.netlify.app/
If you'd like to contribute to TaskMaster, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch
- Make your changes and commit them
- Push your changes to your forked repository
- Open a pull request
If you encounter any bugs or have a feature request, please open an issue in the Issues section of this repository.
TaskMaster is licensed under the MIT License.
I hope you find TaskMaster useful and look forward to your feedback!