A sophisticated dark theme for Zed that combines the elegant aesthetics of Evil Rabbit with the optimized syntax highlighting of JetBrains Fleet Dark.
- Perfect Fusion: Carefully combines the UI elements of Evil Rabbit with the code syntax highlighting of Fleet Dark
- Enhanced Readability: Optimized color contrasts for comfortable long coding sessions
- UI Consistency: Harmonized editor components and interface elements
Want to fine-tune the theme to your preferences? You can override settings in your settings.json
"experimental.theme_overrides": {
"editor.background": "#333",
"syntax": {
"comment": {
"font_style": "italic"
"comment.doc": {
"font_style": "italic"
Learn more: https://zed.dev/docs/themes#theme-overrides
Contributions are welcome and appreciated! Here's how you can help:
- Report Issues: If you find any inconsistencies or problems, please open an issue
- Suggest Improvements: Have ideas for making the theme better? Share them in the issues section
- Submit PRs: Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests with enhancements
- Based on the wonderful Evil Rabbit theme
- Syntax highlighting inspired by JetBrains Fleet Dark theme
This theme is released under the MIT License.