I played around with a simple 2D lidar and wanted to make sense of what lidar generates. What I ended up doing is to create a standlone QT server which listens on UDP with proto text formating.
That is launching ./qt_visualizer
binary which blocks and waits for the incoming UDP
packets and then in another terminal launching ./smoke_test_main
which feeds these
protos in text format:
items {
theta: 45414
distance_mm: 2294
quality: 60
items {
theta: 46620
distance_mm: 4797
quality: 60
which shows data in the PolarChartView
Initially I was going to do just that. If you want to use some sort of QT, then QT will usurp the whole project. There will be a main QT application with their own data models, macros, events, two compilers and a lot more. My main project was in Bazel. It is possible to use QT in Bazel, but it would be a lot simpler with CMake especially that I can use Absceil, protos, glog and other libraries that I need.