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Phil Hagelberg edited this page Aug 14, 2024
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The Lume library is a very handy tool
that can be thought of as "Lua's missing standard library". It
contains a bunch of common general-purpose functions that larger
languages often feature built-in, including common table manipulation
functions like map
and reduce
Most of Lume deals with sequence-type functions that operate on either sequential or key/value tables, but there are a few oddballs that don't.
You can install Lume via luarocks, but it's simpler to download the
file from its repository and drop that into your project
(local lume (require :lume))
(local kv {:abc 123 :def 456 :xyz 789})
(local seq [123 456 789])
(fn even? [x] (= (% x 2) 0))
;; map a function over a table. note that the table is the first arg.
(lume.map seq (fn [x] (* 3 x))) ; -> [369 1368 2367]
;; keep or drop elements from a table based on a predicate function.
(lume.filter seq even?) ; -> [456]
(lume.reject seq even?) ; -> [123 789]
;; the classic reduce, aka foldl; run a function over everything in
;; the table with an accumulator value.
(lume.reduce seq (fn [acc x] (+ acc x))) ; -> 1368
;; return a new table with all the keys and values from any number of tables.
;; right-most arguments take precedence.
(lume.merge seq kv {:abc 963})
;; -> { :abc 963 :def 456 :xyz 789 1 123 2 456 3 789 }
;; unlike most of the other functions here, the extend function
;; modifies its first argument rather than returning a fresh table:
(local newtable {:qrs 147 :tuv 258})
(lume.extend newtable {:jkl 999})
newtable ; -> { :jkl 999 :qrs 147 :tuv 258 }
;; return all the keys in a table:
(lume.keys kv) ; -> ["xyz" "def" "abc"]
;; return the key under which a given value is first found in a table:
(lume.find seq 456) ; -> 2
(lume.find kv 789) ; "xyz"
;; similar to find, except use a predicate function instead of a value.
;; returns both the value matched and its index:
(lume.match seq even?) ; -> 456 2
;; select a subset of keys from a table:
(lume.pick kv :abc :xyz) ; -> { :abc 123 :xyz 789 }
;; finally we have a handful of miscellaneous non-table-related functions.
;; oddly Lua does not ship with a string splitting function; use this instead:
(lume.split "diode,capacitor,switch" ",") ; -> ["diode" "capacitor" "switch"]
;; generate a QUID and return a string representation:
(lume.uuid) ; -> "d6cce35c-487a-458f-aab2-9032c2621f38"
;; the hotswap function may be the most important thing in all of lume. it
;; facilitates seamless reloading of modules and works equally well with
;; modules whether they are written in Fennel or Lua:
(local mymod (require :mymod))
mymod ; -> {:firstfunction #<function: 0x564>, :second #<function: 0x860>}
;; [ ... make some edits to mymod.fnl to add a third function ...]
;; not only will the hotswap function return the updated module...
(lume.hotswap :mymod) ; -> { :firstfunction ... :second ... :third ...}
;; but all existing references to the mymod module which have been loaded
;; using require will be updated to contain its latest contents!
mymod.third ; -> #<function: 0x9d6>
There's more in Lume that we haven't covered here; see the readme for a complete listing.