This solution is created to allow applications without SNS support, to send messages with webhooks, using either parameters or a simple request body. The solution can use IAM roles to authenticate to AWS and it can limit the number of messages sent per minute.
Clone the repo and run the snsgateway.go. Example:
go run snsgateway.go --snsarn arn:aws:sns:yourregion:youraccountnumber:topicname --region yourregion
yum install go
go get
go get
go get
-arn string
The ARN of the role you want to assume
-extid string
The ExternalID constraint, if applicable for the role you need to assume
-maxMessagesPerMinute int
The maximum number of messages allowed per minute (default 20)
-port int
The listening port for the application (default 8080)
-region string
The region of the SNS topic (mandatory)
-snsarn string
The ARN of the receiver SNS topic (mandatory)
Send a JSON Message in the request body with default Subject (FromSNSGateway)
curl -d '{test: "test"}'
Send a Message by using parameter with default Subject
Send a Message by using parameters with Subject "test"
curl ''
Send a JSON Message in the request body with Subject "test"
curl '' -d '{test: "test"}'
The solution can be run on Kubernetes.
- Create a namespace (or use an existing one)
- Create a configmap to provide the ENV Variables
- Create the deployment and the service to expose the port inside you k8s cluster
kubectl create namespace monitoring
kubectl -f create 1_env.yaml -n monitoring
kubectl -f create 2_snsgateway.yaml -n monitoring
The solution is using standard IAM based security to provide access to SNS. If the container has an Instance Profile it will be automatically picked up. Otherwise you have to create a .aws/credentials file on the container, or to provide a Role ARN for the Assumerole with the arn parameter. You can read about this in more detail here: link
The solution does not provide any SSL termination or authorization/authentication for the listening endpoint. You can set up a reverse proxy to secure the endpoint. Example: ingress-nginx
- Nick Gauthier (
- William Kennedy (
- Edd Turtle (
- Adam Crosby (
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details