DISO is an ontology that defines the linear defect, in particular dislocation concepts and relations between them in crystalline materials. Moreover, Crystal Structure Ontology (CSO) and Crystallographic Defect Ontology (CDO), which ontologies define the concepts of crystal structureand crystalline defect, respectively, are also introduced in this repository. The ontology development processes are described following the well-known practices, e.g., using ontology metadata and reusing existing ontologies, e.g., MDO, EMMO, and QUDT. To evaluate DISO, we have gathered competency questions (CQs) that will be answered via SPARQL query.
- You may find the DISO with various formats: rdf, turtle, json-ld, etc.
- We locate the folder related to data of dislocation microstructure here
- Dislocation microstructure of nickel material is the simulation data of dislocation microstructure of nickel (Ni) material generated by MoDELib
- You may find a set of competence questions (CQs) along with SPARQL queries here.
- RDF genererator is the folder to locate python scripts that are used to generate rdf-data from the data.
- crystal-structure-ontology is a folder containing details of crystal structure ontology.
- crystallographic-defect-ontology is a folder containing details of crystallographic defect ontology.
To make it easier to understand and reuse our ontology, human-readable documentation of the ontology is generated and can be found here.
- We recommend to use Protégé 5.5.0 to be able to view and navigate classes and properties in DISO.
- We recommend also to use HermiT as a reasoner for DISO. You can select it through the menu Reasoner in Protégé software.
You may contact author of DISO via [email protected]
The code is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright © 2022.
- European Research Council through the ERC Grant Agreement No. 759419 MuDiLingo (”A Multiscale Dislocation Language for Data-Driven Materials Science”)
- Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) within the Hub Information at the Forschungszentrum Jülich.
please cite the following paper if you used any part of this work.
@inproceedings{ihsan2021steps, title={Steps towards a Dislocation Ontology for Crystalline Materials}, author={Ahmad Zainul Ihsan and Danilo Dessì and Mehwish Alam and Harald Sack and Stefan Sandfeld}, booktitle={Second International Workshop on Semantic Digital Twins }, year={2021}, url={http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2887/paper4.pdf}}