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feat: deep2, deep3 lookup perf improvements
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- deep2 creates item and attr getters
- deep3 creates a func via eval

4 times speed improvements seen
  • Loading branch information
Gunther Klessinger committed Feb 10, 2023
1 parent 54fea4c commit 1ecb45a
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Showing 10 changed files with 749 additions and 457 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

author: gk
version: 20230211
version: 20230212


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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ cd "$here" || exit 1
rm -f
pytest tests || exit 1
git commit --amend -am 'links auto replaced'
#git commit -am 'pre_pypi_upload' # to have the commit hash for the links
#slt="`git rev-parse HEAD`"
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524 changes: 290 additions & 234 deletions

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181 changes: 144 additions & 37 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -193,37 +193,141 @@ def ops_reset():
State = {}

def state_get_deep(key, val, cfg, state=State, deep='.', **kw):
# FIXME: why split at runtime?
# key maybe already path tuple - or string with deep as seperator:
# Also the try to get list items when part is int can be checked at build time!
parts = key.split(deep) if _is(key, str) else list(key)
while parts:
part = parts.pop(0)
state = state.get(part)
except AttributeError as ex:
class Getters:
def state_get_deep(key, val, cfg, state=State, deep='.', **kw):
# FIXME: why split at runtime?
# key maybe already path tuple - or string with deep as seperator:
# Also the try to get list items when part is int can be checked at build time!
# parts = key.split(deep) if _is(key, str) else list(key)
parts = key.split(deep) if _is(key, str) else key
for part in parts:
i = int(part)
state = state[i]
except ValueError as ex: # i no list index, we try attrs:
state = getattr(state, part, None)
except IndexError as ex:
state = None
if not state:
return state, val
state = state.get(part)
except AttributeError as ex:
i = int(part)
state = state[i]
except ValueError as ex: # i no list index, we try attrs:
state = getattr(state, part, None)
except IndexError as ex:
state = None
if not state:
return state, val

def state_get(key, val, cfg, state=State, **kw):
# a lookup function can modify key AND value, i.e. returns both:
if _is(key, tuple):
return state_get_deep(key, val, cfg, state, **kw)
return state.get(key), val # default k, v access function

def dbg_get(key, val, cfg, state=State, *a, **kw):
res = Getters.state_get(key, val, cfg, state, *a, **kw)
val = 'FALSES' if val == FALSES else val
out('Lookup:', key, val, '->', res[0])
return res

def _diginto(state, key, sep):
"""Helper which is, on the first matching state structure,
delivering the keys we needed"""
g = ()
parts = key.split(sep) if _is(key, str) else key
for part in parts:
state = state.get(part)
g += (part,)
except AttributeError as ex:
i = int(part)
state = state[i]
g += (i,)
except ValueError as ex: # i no list index, we try attrs:
state = getattr(state, part, None)
g += ((part, 0),) # attrgetter below
except IndexError as ex:
state = None
if not state:
return None, None
return state, g

_get_deep2_cache = {}

def get_deep2(key, val, cfg, state, deep='.', _c=_get_deep2_cache, **kw):
Here we cache the split result
funcs = _c.get(key)
if funcs:
if funcs[0] == True:
for f in funcs[1:]:
state = state[f]
for f in funcs:
state = f(state) # we have itemgetters and attrsgettr
return state, val
except Exception:
return None, val

state, g = Getters._diginto(state, key, sep=deep)
if state is None:
return state, val

# we have matching structure => invest in assembling the getter functions
# If there are no getattr (=>no tuple), then just []-ing the values is even faster then using itemgetter:
# so we mark those with a True in the beginning and just remember the values:
if len(_c) > 1000000:
_c.clear() # safety belt
if not any([i for i in g if _is(i, tuple)]):
_c[key] = g = list(g)
g.insert(0, True)
a, i = operator.attrgetter, operator.itemgetter
_c[key] = [a(f[0]) if isinstance(f, tuple) else i(f) for f in g]
return state, val

_get_deep3_cache = {}

def get_deep_evl(key, val, cfg, state, deep='.', _c=_get_deep3_cache, **kw):
Fastest, but we must disallow ( )
funcs = _c.get(key)
if funcs:
return funcs(state), val
except Exception:
return None, val
state, g = Getters._diginto(state, key, sep=deep)
if state is None:
return state, val

g = [
f'["{p}"]' if _is(p, str) else f'.{p[0]}' if _is(p, tuple) else f'[{p}]'
for p in g
g = ''.join(g)
g = f'lambda s: s{g}'
if '(' in g and ')' in g:
g = 'lambda s: None'
if len(_c) > 1000000:
_c.clear() # safety belt
_c[key] = eval(g)
return state, val

def clear_caches():

def state_get(key, val, cfg, state=State, **kw):
# a lookup function can modify key AND value, i.e. returns both:
if _is(key, tuple):
return state_get_deep(key, val, cfg, state, **kw)
return state.get(key), val # default k, v access function

state_get_deep = Getters.state_get_deep
dbg_get = Getters.dbg_get
state_get = Getters.state_get

# if val in these we deliver False:
Expand All @@ -232,13 +336,6 @@ def state_get(key, val, cfg, state=State, **kw):
FALSES = (None, False, '', 0, {}, [], ())

def dbg_get(key, val, cfg, state=State, *a, **kw):
res = state_get(key, val, cfg, state, *a, **kw)
val = 'FALSES' if val == FALSES else val
out('Lookup:', key, val, '->', res[0])
return res

def out(*m):
return print(' '.join([str(s) for s in m]))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,6 +774,10 @@ def parse_cond(cond, lookup=state_get, **cfg):

if cfg.get('deep'):
lookup = partial(state_get_deep, deep=cfg['deep'])
elif cfg.get('deep2'):
lookup = partial(Getters.get_deep2, deep=cfg['deep2'])
elif cfg.get('deep3'):
lookup = partial(Getters.get_deep_evl, deep=cfg['deep3'])

cfg['lookup'] = lookup
cfg['lookup_args'] = sig_args(lookup)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -764,7 +865,9 @@ def _(v):

return True if v == 'true' else False if v == 'false' else None if v == 'None' else _(v)
return (
True if v == 'true' else False if v == 'false' else None if v == 'None' else _(v)

# ---------------------- Following Code Only for Parsing STRING Conditions Into Structs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1035,7 +1138,10 @@ def run_conds(
for k, v in conds:
b = built[k]
if _is(v, list):
r[k] = [run_conds(data, c, b[i], is_single, **kw) for i, c in zip(range(len(v)), v)]
r[k] = [
run_conds(data, c, b[i], is_single, **kw)
for i, c in zip(range(len(v)), v)
r[k] = m = run_conds(data, v, b, is_single, **kw)
if m:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1262,3 +1368,4 @@ def on_next(x, run_item=run_item):
return Rx.merge(Rx.create(subscribe), subj_async_results)

return _run
return _run
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions pyproject.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
line-length = 110
line-length = 90
ignore = ["E501", "E202"]

line-length = 110
line-length = 90
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import time
from pycond import parse_cond

_is = isinstance

now = time.time

def test_comp_perf():
"""6 times faster deep lookups when preassembled
at first match
now = time.time
s = {'a': {'b': [{'c': 42}]}}

class t:
a = s

# S = {'A': {'a': s}}
S = {'A': t}

count = 100000

def run(count=count, **kw):
pc = parse_cond('A.a.a.b.0.c eq 42', **kw)[0]
t0 = now()
for i in range(count):
assert pc(state=S)
return now() - t0

dt1 = run(deep='.')
dt2 = run(deep2='.')
dt3 = run(deep3='.')
print('Cached item getter perf vs get_deep:', dt1 / dt2)
print('Eval perf vs get_deep:', dt1 / dt3)
assert 2 * dt2 < dt1

if __name__ == '__main__':

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