It is a simple wrapper for the AllenNLP Open Information Extrction model and the Coreference Resolution library NeuralCoref. It extracts from a text a list of tripples in the form of set (Subject, Action, Object).
The example of usage:
from corefextraction import InformationExtractor
extractor = InformationExtractor(coreference = True)
text = "Paul Allen was born on January 21, 1953, in Seattle, Washington, to Kenneth Sam Allen and Edna Faye Allen. Allen attended Lakeside School, a private school in Seattle, where he befriended Bill Gates, two years younger, with whom he shared an enthusiasm for computers."
triples = extractor.process(text)
for triple in triples:
Paul allen was born on january 21 , 1953.
Paul allen attended lakeside school.
Paul allen befriended bill gates.
Paul allen shared an enthusiasm for computers.