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EKS Hybrid Nodes on Raspberry Pi

Table of Contents


Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes is a powerful feature that enables you to extend your Amazon EKS clusters to include on-premises and edge infrastructure as worker nodes. This means you can:

✨ Run Kubernetes workloads on your own hardware while AWS manages the control plane
✨ Unify Kubernetes management across cloud and on-premises environments
✨ Leverage AWS services and EKS features with your on-premises nodes
✨ Pay only for the vCPU resources of your hybrid nodes when they're attached to EKS clusters

This repository demonstrates how to implement EKS Hybrid Nodes using one of the most accessible and cost-effective platforms available - the Raspberry Pi. By following this guide, you'll learn how to:

  1. Transform a Raspberry Pi into an EKS hybrid node
  2. Connect it securely to your EKS cluster
  3. Deploy and manage workloads across your hybrid infrastructure

Our goal is to showcase that setting up hybrid nodes doesn't need to be complex or expensive. This implementation serves as an excellent starting point for learning about EKS Hybrid Nodes or prototyping hybrid scenarios before deploying to production environments.


Architecture Diagram

Important Note on Network Architecture:

  • The EKS cluster is configured with public endpoint access only
  • Raspberry Pi → EKS control plane communication flows through the internet via the public endpoint
  • EKS control plane → Raspberry Pi communication is established through the VPN tunnel


Hardware Requirements

  • Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB+ RAM)
  • Network connectivity (WiFi/Ethernet)
  • SSH access configured
  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (ARM64)

Software Requirements

Ensure you have the following tools installed:

Important IAM Requirements:

  • An IAM role named Admin must exist in your AWS account
  • This role will be granted cluster admin permissions through the AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy
  • If you want to use a different role name, modify the principal_arn in terraform/

Getting Started

Clone the repository:

Setup Process

1. AWS Infrastructure Setup

Note: This demo uses the ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) region by default. To use a different region:

  1. Open terraform/
  2. Locate the region variable
  3. Change the default value to your desired AWS region (e.g., us-west-2, eu-west-1)
# Deploy AWS infrastructure using Terraform
cd terraform

terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve

$(terraform output -raw eks_update_kubeconfig)

Note on Admin Access: If you encounter permission errors and don't have an Admin role, you can remove the admin access configuration:

# Remove admin access configuration from
sed -i '29,39d'

# Reapply terraform to update the configuration
terraform apply --auto-approve

This will use only the cluster creator permissions, which are sufficient if you created the cluster yourself.

Terraform Output Files:

  • Steps to setup Wireguard on vpn_server
  • Steps to setup nodeadm on the on-prem device
  • cilium-values.yaml: Config file used to setup Cilium

Important Terraform Outputs:

  • eks_update_kubeconfig: How to access cluster
  • connect_vpn_server: How to connect to vpn_server using SSM

VPN Server Setup

We use Wireguard for site-to-site VPN in this demo. This is how our EKS Cluster communicates with the Raspberry Pi.
We setup Wireguard by installing the Wireguard server on an EC2 instance running in our AWS Account. Then we will setup the Wireguard client on our on-prem device.

Step 1: Review the Wireguard setup instructions in the file that was generated in your terraform directory.


Step 2: Get the VPN server's public IP address using Terraform

terraform output vpn_server_public_ip

Note: Save this IP address as you will need it for the Raspberry Pi Wireguard configuration.

Step 3: Connect to VPN server using SSM

$(terraform output -raw connect_vpn_server)

Step 4: Follow the instructions from to set up Wireguard on the VPN server.

Step 5: Get the required key values for Raspberry Pi setup

# Switch to root user
sudo -i

# Get the public key
cat /etc/wireguard/public.key

# Get the client private key
cat /etc/wireguard/client-private.key

Note: Save these key values as you will need them later for the Raspberry Pi Wireguard configuration.

2. Raspberry Pi Setup

  1. Install Wireguard:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wireguard
sudo mkdir -p /etc/wireguard
  1. Create WireGuard Configuration:
sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

Add the following configuration (replace placeholders):

PrivateKey = <client-private.key>
Address =

# Public key from AWS server (/etc/wireguard/public.key)
PublicKey = <public.key>
# Your EC2 instance's public IP
Endpoint = <ec2-public-ip>:51820
# AWS VPC CIDR and WireGuard server network
AllowedIPs =,
PersistentKeepalive = 25

Important: Replace the following:

  • <client-private.key> with the client-private.key from VPN Server
  • <public.key> with the public.key from VPN Server
  • <ec2-public-ip> with VPN Server's Public IP
  1. Enable and Start Wireguard:
sudo echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0
sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0

# Verify connection
sudo wg show
  1. Complete Node Setup:
# View setup instructions from the folder containing your terraform files

Troubleshooting: If you encounter issues, refer to the official troubleshooting guide.

⚠️ Common Issue: If you get ExpiredTokenException: The security token included in the request is expired, the SSM Hybrid Activation Credentials have expired. Rerun terraform init & terraform apply and restart the steps.

3. Setup CNI

  1. Install Helm (if not already installed):
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
  1. Add Cilium Repository:
# New installation
helm repo add cilium

# Or update existing
helm repo update
  1. Install Cilium:
helm install cilium cilium/cilium \
    --version 1.16.6 \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --values cilium-values.yaml
  1. Configure CoreDNS: If CoreDNS pods are not starting up properly, you can patch them to use the cluster endpoint:
# First get the endpoint
ENDPOINT=$(terraform output -raw eks_cluster_endpoint)

# Then use it in the patch command
kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment coredns --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"coredns","env":[{"name":"KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST","value":"'$ENDPOINT'"},{"name":"KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT","value":"443"}]}]}}}}'

This configures CoreDNS to use the same endpoint as Cilium for API server communication.


# Check node status
kubectl get nodes

# View running pods
kubectl get pods -A

✅ Check your AWS Console - a new node should appear in your EKS Cluster once Cilium is properly configured.

🎉 Congratulations! Your Raspberry Pi is now a Hybrid Node in your EKS Cluster.

Deploy Demo Application

After your hybrid node is successfully connected, you can deploy a sample application to test it:

# Deploy the 2048 game demo
kubectl apply -f terraform/demo.yaml

# Wait for pods to be ready
kubectl -n game-2048 get pods -w

Once all pods are running, you can access the 2048 game:

  1. Get your Raspberry Pi's IP address (if you don't already know it):
    hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to:

    Note: You must be on the same network as your Raspberry Pi to access this URL.

You should see the 2048 game running on your hybrid EKS cluster!

Clean Up

1. Remove Node from Cluster

# Get node name
kubectl get nodes

# Drain and delete node
kubectl drain <node-name> --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data
kubectl delete node <node-name>

# Uninstall Cilium
helm uninstall cilium -n kube-system

2. Clean up Raspberry Pi

Use the script in the cleanup folder to remove Hybrid Node and Wireguard configuration.

3. Destroy Cluster

terraform init
terraform destroy --auto-approve


⚠️ This repository is intended for demonstration and learning purposes only. It is not intended for production use. The code provided here is for educational purposes and should not be used in a live environment without proper testing, validation, and modifications.

Use at your own risk. The authors are not responsible for any issues, damages, or losses that may result from using this code in production.


Contributions welcome! Please read our Contributing Guidelines and Code of Conduct.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE file.