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Get up and running quickly with an AI chat application on AWS that provides a foundation to build upon.


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Get up and running quickly with an AI chat application on AWS that provides a foundation to build upon.

An example of a simple, yet scalable, enterprise-ready chatbot that implements the retrieval augmented generation (RAG) pattern without taking a dependency on any Python frameworks/libraries. It uses Bedrock Knowledge Bases to ingest documents in an S3 bucket and store the indexed vectors in a Postgres database hosted in Aurora Serverless. This database also serves as the application database storing information such as user conversation history. The app implements both a web GUI as well as an HTTP JSON API and is hosted as a container running on ECS Fargate fronted with an ALB. The app is built using Flask and HTMX.


Key Features

  • Deployable in under 15 minutes (instructions below)
  • Ask questions and get answers
  • Implements an AI chat bot using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Follow up questions get reworded using an LLM, so users can refer back to context in previous questions
  • See conversation history and select to see past converations
  • LLM request/response payloads get logged to an S3 bucket in JSON format (for analysis and testing)
  • Built-in auto scaling architecture (see docs below)
  • OpenTelemetry tracing support using AWS X-Ray


Follow the 6 step process below for deploying this solution into your AWS account.

  1. Setup/Install prerequisites
  2. Deploy cloud infrastructure
  3. Deploy application code
  4. Upload your documents to the generated S3 bucket
  5. Trigger the Bedrock Knowledge Base sync
  6. Start chatting with your documents in the app

1. Setup/Install prerequisites

2. Deploy cloud infrastructure

Export required environment variables.

export AWS_REGION=$(aws configure get region || echo "us-east-1")
export ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
export BUCKET=tf-state-${ACCOUNT}

Optionally, create an s3 bucket to store terraform state (this is recommended since the initial db password will be stored in the state). If you already have an s3 bucket, you can update the BUCKET variable with the name of your bucket (e.g., export BUCKET=my-s3-bucket).

aws s3 mb s3://${BUCKET}

Set template input parameters, like app name in terraform.tfvars.

cd iac
cat << EOF > terraform.tfvars
name = "ai-chatbot"
tags = {
  app = "ai-chatbot"

Deploy using terraform.

terraform init -backend-config="bucket=${BUCKET}" -backend-config="key=ai-chatbot.tfstate"
terraform apply

3. Deploy application code

Now that the infrastructure has been deployed, you can build the app container and deploy it on top of the infrastructure.

If you changed the app name from ai-chatbot to something else, you'll need to pass that to the make command using the app parameter (or change it at the top of Makefile).

Before deploying, you should consider changing the system and user prompts to match your specific requirements.

The first time you deploy you can run the following to build the base image and app image together.

cd ../
make baseimage && make deploy

After the intitial deployment, you can iterate on code changes faster by only rebuilding the code layers and re-deploying.

make deploy
# OR
# make deploy app=my-cool-chatbot

4. Upload your documents to the generated S3 bucket

cd iac
export DOCS_BUCKET=$(terraform output -raw s3_bucket_name)
aws s3 cp /path/to/docs/ s3://${DOCS_BUCKET}/ --recursive

5. Call the Bedrock Knowledge Base Sync API

cd iac
make sync

Note that this script calls the bedrock-agent start-ingestion-job API. This job will need to successfully complete before the chatbot will be able to answer questions about your documents.

6. Start chatting with your documents in the app

open $(terraform output -raw endpoint)


This architecture can be scaled using two primary levers:

  1. ECS horizontal scaling
  2. ECS vertical scaling
  3. Aurora serverless scaling
  4. Bedrock scaling

ECS horizontal scaling

The preferred method of scaling is horizontal autoscaling. Autoscaling is enabled by default and set to scale from 1 to 10 replicas based on an average service CPU and memory utilization of 75%. See the Terraform module autoscaling input parameters to fine tune this.

ECS vertical scaling

The size of the individual fargate tasks can be scaled up using the cpu and memory parameters.

Aurora serverless scaling

Autoscaling is enabled by default set to a defaul min capacity of 0.5 to 2 ACUs. See the Terraform module autoscaling example to fine tune this.

Bedrock scaling

Bedrock cross-region model inference is recommended for increasing throughput using inference profiles.


This accelerator ships with OpenTelemetry auto instrumented code for flask, postgres, and boto3 via the aws-opentelemetry-distro library. It will create traces that are available in AWS X-Ray. These traces can be useful for understanding how the AI orchestrator is running in production. You can see how an HTTP request is broken down in terms of how much time is spent on various external calls such as calls to the database and calls to LLMs.


Disabling tracing

If you'd like to disable the tracing to AWS X-Ray, you can remove the otel sidecar container and dependencies from the ECS task definition as show below.

      dependsOn = [
          containerName = "otel"
          condition     = "HEALTHY"
    otel = {
      image   = ""
      command = ["--config=/etc/ecs/ecs-default-config.yaml"]
      healthCheck = {
        command     = ["/healthcheck"]
        interval    = 5
        timeout     = 6
        retries     = 5
        startPeriod = 1


In addition to the simple HTMX GUI, there is an HTTP JSON API that supports the following actions.

export endpoint=$(terraform output -raw endpoint)

POST /api/ask

Ask a question and get back an answer.

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" $endpoint/api/ask \
  -d '{ "question": "Who are you?" }' | jq
  "answer": "...",
  "conversationId": "46ac5045-49b4-487c-b3a0-64d82462ad76"

To ask a follow up question as part of a conversation, include the conversation id in the URL.

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" $endpoint/api/ask/46ac5045-49b4-487c-b3a0-64d82462ad76 -d '{ "question": What are you capable of?" }' | jq
  "answer": "...",
  "conversationId": "46ac5045-49b4-487c-b3a0-64d82462ad76"

GET /api/conversations

Return the latest 10 conversations

curl -s $endpoint/api/conversations | jq
    "conversationId": "d61e143c-a32d-4b4f-aa4e-a0fe94082e77",
    "created": "2024-04-10T22:04:36.813819+00:00",
    "questions": [
        "a": "...",
        "created": "2024-04-10 22:04:40.657402+00:00",
        "q": "..."
    "userId": "1"
    "conversationId": "aaddc6aa-7c51-4b0a-800d-53e72b05524f",
    "created": "2024-04-10T22:01:16.071982+00:00",
    "questions": [
        "a": "...",
        "created": "2024-04-10 22:01:18.500971+00:00",
        "q": "..."
        "a": "...",
        "created": "2024-04-10 22:01:27.328482+00:00",
        "q": "..."
    "userId": "1"

GET /api/conversations/{conversationId}

Return information about the specified conversation

curl -s $endpoint/api/conversations/d61e143c-a32d-4b4f-aa4e-a0fe94082e77 | jq
  "conversationId": "d61e143c-a32d-4b4f-aa4e-a0fe94082e77",
  "created": "2024-04-10T22:04:36.813819+00:00",
  "questions": [
      "a": "...",
      "created": "2024-04-10 22:04:40.657402+00:00",
      "q": "..."
  "userId": "1"

GET /api/conversations/users/{id}

Return the latest 10 conversations for a user

curl -s $endpoint/api/conversations/users/1 | jq
    "conversationId": "d61e143c-a32d-4b4f-aa4e-a0fe94082e77",
    "created": "2024-04-10T22:04:36.813819+00:00",
    "questions": [
        "a": "...",
        "created": "2024-04-10 22:04:40.657402+00:00",
        "q": "..."
    "userId": "1"
    "conversationId": "aaddc6aa-7c51-4b0a-800d-53e72b05524f",
    "created": "2024-04-10T22:01:16.071982+00:00",
    "questions": [
        "a": "...",
        "created": "2024-04-10 22:01:18.500971+00:00",
        "q": "..."
        "a": "...",
        "created": "2024-04-10 22:01:27.328482+00:00",
        "q": "..."
    "userId": "1"


 Choose a make command to run

  init           run this once to initialize a new python project
  install        install project dependencies
  start          run local project
  baseimage      build base image
  deploy         build and deploy container
  up             run the app locally using docker compose
  down           stop the app
  start-docker   run local project using docker compose

Running locally

In order to run the app locally, create a local file named .env with the following variables. The variable, KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ID comes from the Terraform output (cd iac && terraform output).


After setting up your .env file, you can run the app locally in docker to iterate on code changes before deploying to AWS. When running the app locally it talks to a local postgres database and uses the remote Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Base API. Ensure that you have valid AWS credentials. Running the make up command will start a postgres database instance and a web container.

make up

To stop the environment simply run:

make down