In order to run the app make sure you have react-native installed
Make sure you have node installed
Make sure you have an emulator (or your personal mobile phone with dev enabled) and Android Studio is installed (
Clone the repository [email protected]:avcrowdhackathon/ComeTogether.git
Create a firebase account and add google-services.json to /android/app/location
- This document will guide you through the necessary steps to run your React Native app on a device
After run in your terminal the comments below:
- npx react-native run-android -> build the project
- npx react-native start
A app shortcut will be created in your mobile desktop and you can test the application.
The server that is used is ComeTogether's server, but is in not used in this version as login uses temp data.
The blockchain protocol that is used is EOSIO testnet and the smart contracts have been deployed and are functional in this version.
In this page the doctor, or a person, authorized by the goverment , can issue a certificate for a user via his ID card/passport/driving licence.
In this page an officer, a doctor, or a person, authorized by the goverment , can verify the immutity of a user via his ID card/passport/driving licence, either by the camera or by typing the ID.
When the user has immunity.