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@icanb icanb released this 24 Feb 02:49
· 1642 commits to master since this release

This version of Autolab introduces a lot of new features and includes improvements to the code base.



You can now let students work on assessments as partners or in groups of an arbitrary size. A submission by a single group member will be graded and show up for every student in the group.


Instructors can now prepare and offer online quizzes that gets automatically graded by Autolab. This is a brand new feature! Please let us know if you have feedback getting started with or using quizzes.

Improved Annotations

The code review experience for teaching assistants has been improved.

Design and User Experience Improvements

In response to feedback, we aimed to bring critical, actionable items to the forefront so that you can get to what you need to do with fewer clicks. This is still an ongoing process, but we hope that the changes will help ease your day-to-day workload.

Autolab Admin

We now have an interface for Autolab system administrators. One of the newly-added tools lets administrators conveniently e-mail all instructors on the system. This is useful for soliciting feedback as well as blasting out notifications of planned downtime, etc.

Instructions for Updating (from v1.0.0)

  1. Migrate the database
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

This update includes bunch of migrations that require permissions to create directories on the filesystem. Make sure that the user who runs the migration has the necessary permissions.

  1. Compile Assets
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

After running the migrations and compiling assets, you'll need to restart the server.

Installation Instructions (from scratch)

See the README and the Wiki. You will also want to take a look into Tango for setting up the RESTful service that handles autograding Autolab submissions in the background. If you run into problems during installation, feel free to open an issue with the problem you've found or contact us over email with specific information.