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A collection of scripts to automatically generate YouTube videos for the Clock Spinning podcast.


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A collection of scripts to automatically generate YouTube videos for the Clock Spinning podcast.


  • imagemagick
  • ffmpeg
  • rename
  • wget


  1. Copy this entire directory to another location on hard drive
  2. Add your audio source file with the name input.mp4a to the base directory
  3. Download card images with zsh
    • Enter your Scryfall search when prompted
    • Enter a grid arrangement when prompted
  4. Ensure any other images you need are in export_images
  5. Customize the input file with timestamps:
    1. Get the timestamps from the show notes
    2. Copy out just the times into VS Code and add a 00: to the front of any card without an hour timestamp on it
    3. Take the hours, minutes, and seconds and put them into the appropriate column in this magic timestamp converter
    4. Add rows for intro art and outro art, if needed
    5. Paste the output of that file into input.txt
  6. Create the video with zsh

Nifty imagemagick tricks

  • You can generate a grid with a transparent background from a collection of images:
    • montage -density 200 -tile 9x0 -geometry +10+40 -background none *.png grid.png
    • -density 200 sets DPI
    • -tile 8x0 sets an 8 column grid with as many rows as needed to use all images
    • -geometry +10+40 sets the horizontal offset between elements (+10) and the vertical offsets between rows (+40)
    • -background none forces a transparent background

ffmpeg notes

  • concat -i input.txt -i input.m4a tells ffmpeg to combine two files into one video. input.txt is a file that tells ffmpeg how long to display each image.
  • This generates the video: ffmpeg -f concat -i input.txt -i input.m4a -c:v libx264 -r 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4
  • However, due to the way ffmpeg handles files with low frame rates, this version of the video will be padded with silence at the end.
  • This command trims it to account for transcoding errors: ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -t $(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.m4a) output_trimmed.mp4

Scryfall syntax tips

  • To show cards in order of printing and exclude silly stuff:
    • prefer:oldest order:released direction:asc (-is:digital -is:funny)


A collection of scripts to automatically generate YouTube videos for the Clock Spinning podcast.





