This project has been developed for learning purposes.
Kanban-style application. Possibility to create lists and cards inside those lists, as well as assigning tags (labels) to cards.
Single page application using vanilla Javascript only.
- Establishing user stories
- Modeling the database and populating it : elaborating the MCD, the MLD, the data definition file and the seeding file
- Using a postgreSQL database, and Sequelize (ORM) to interact with it
- Declaring a Sequelize model for each table:
- list
- card
- tag
- card_has_tag
- Creating CRUD routes for each table (only Create/Delete for the card_has_table junction table)
- adding, editing and removing a list
- adding, editing and removing a card
- adding, associating, dissociating, editing and removing a tag
- drag-and-drop lists
- drag-and-drop cards within a list and to another list
- Javascript front code reorganized in modules for clarity
- executing browserify to bundle up all our modules into one file served to the browser in a single
To create the bundle in a dist folder under assets, based on js modules, run the following command:
npx browserify -e assets/js/app.js -o assets/dist/bundle.js
To be able to make changes in js modules and automatically recompile the bundle at each change, execute watchify:
npx watchify -e assets/js/app.js -o assets/dist/bundle.js
- Node v16.14.0
- Express v4.17.2
- postgreSQL 12 database server
- pg (PostgreSQL client) v8.7.1
- dotenv v14.2.0
- Bulma v0.9.3
- sequelize (ORM)
- SortableJS (reorderable drag-and-drop lists)
- santizer v6.13.0
- multer v1.4.4
Packages executed with npx (not installed locally):
- browserify (javascript bundling)
- watcherify
Clone this repository.
In the terminal, at the root of the folder project, run the following command to install the dependencies:
npm i
Create a local PostgreSQL database:
createdb <database_name>
Run the following command to create the tables and import the data:
psql -d <database_name> -f /database/create_db.sql
Copy the .env.example file and add the corresponding PG_URL.
Run the following command to start the server:
npm run dev
You will then be able to access it at localhost:5050.
If you want to use a different port, make sure to change its declaration in index.js and to update the base_url in assets/js/app.js (then regenerate the bundle - see instructions here).