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Visualization-aware Timeseries Min-Max Caching with Error Bound Guarantees

Supplemental Material

Supplemental material detailing the algorithms for error-bound calculation and query evaluation over MinMaxCache, as well as a detailed presentation of the user study conducted, can be found here.


Data used for the experiments can be found here.

In this folder, there are 2 sub-folders. One for the real datasets used in the experiments and one for the synthetic. Each contains a notebook, named expand_data.ipynb and create_synth.ipynb respectively.

Required libraries to run both notebooks are: numpy, pandas and datetime.

By running the expand_data.ipynb, the original datasets will be expanded 50 times, and 3 datasets with the same name and the suffix "exp" will be created. Running create_synth.ipynb, will create 11 synthetic timeseries datasets generated from random walks, with the names synthetic{1m-1b}.csv.

Running Instructions

First, build the JAR file:

mvn clean package


To start the SpringBoot Rest API, run the following:

java -jar target/min-max-cache-2.0.jar

Request methods

Method URL Description
POST /api/auth/login Logins to the system.
POST /api/data/influx/query Queries InfluxDB.
POST /api/data/postgres/query Queries PostgreSQL.


Login, returns a JWT token.

    "username": "admin",
    "password": "password"

Query, use the previous token as a bearer token authentication and query the database.

    "query": {
        "to": 1330146930990,
        "measures": [2], 
        "accuracy": 0.95

    "schema": "more",
    "table" : "manufacturing_exp"


To initialize a dataset in a .csv file, run the following:

java -jar target/experiments.jar -path <path_to_csv> -c initialize -type <influx, postgres> -out output -schema <schema> -table <table_name> -timeFormat "yyyy-MM-dd[ HH:mm:ss.SSS]"

To execute a sequence of queries, e.g. using a table, run the following:

java -jar target/experiments.jar -c timeQueries -seqCount 50 -measureChange 0 -type <influx, postgres> -mode <minMax> -measures <measure_ids> -timeCol <timeCol (if postgres)>
-valueCol <valueCol (if postgres)> -idCol <idCol (if postgres)> -zoomFactor 2 -viewport <width,height> -runs 1 -out <output_folder_path> -minShift 0.1 -maxShift 0.5 -schema <schema or bucket> -table <tableName> -timeFormat "yyyy-MM-dd[ HH:mm:ss.SSS]" -a 0.95 -q 0.1 -p 1 -agg 4 


-c The command to run, <timeQueries, initialize>

-seqCount No. of queries

-type Database, <influx, postgres>

-mode *Algorithm to run <minMax, m4, raw>

-measures Measure ids, e.g 1,2,3

-timeCol Name of time column (for postgres)

-valueCol Name of value column (for postgres)

-idCol Name of id column (for postgres)

-out Output Folder

-schema *Schema on the DB (On Influx it defines the bucket)

-table Table Name

-zoomFactor Factor by which to zoom in and out%

-viewPort Width, height of the viewport of visualization

-runs No. of times to run the experiment

-minShift Minimum pan shift

-maxShift Maximum pan shift

-timeFormat Time format of the Time Column

-a Accuracy Threshold

-q Query Selectivity

-p Prefetching Toggle

-agg Initial Aggregation Factor

(-queries) *A path to a csv file with predefined epoch-based queries. First column is start epoch and the second end epoch (e.g queries.txt file in the repository). *


Visualization-aware Caching of Time-series






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