This is a simplified GraphQL library for Ktor applications. It is based on graphql-java
and graphql-kotlin-schema-generator
and provides a set of straightforward APIs.
embeddedServer(Netty) {
// Currently, only the `jackson` can be used as serializer
// configure GraphQL
// TODO: change to your package names to scan
packageNames = listOf("wang.ralph"),
// TODO: change to your queries
queries = listOf(UserQuery()),
// TODO: change to your mutations
mutations = listOf(UserMutation()),
// TODO: could be changed to your custom scalar map
scalars = Scalars.all, // (default)
}.start(wait = true)
fun Application.configureSerialization() {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
fun Application.configureRouting() {
routing {
class UserQuery {
fun users(): List<User> = users
class UserMutation {
fun createUser(user: User): User {
return user.copy(id = ID("9"))
object NewTypeCoercing : Coercing<NewType, String> {
// ...
// GraphQLScalarType MUST be a singleton
val newType: GraphQLScalarType = GraphQLScalarType.newScalar()
.description("NewType description")
// ...
scalars = Scalars.all + mapOf(NewType::class to NewType)
Then add them to the queries
or mutations
list of the conigureGraphQL
. Both of these classes are POJOs, and their top-level methods will become the names of GraphQL's Query or Mutation.
The classes referenced in the parameter list must be located in the package or sub-packages specified by packageNames
- Currently, only the
can be used as serializer. - Don't write
packageNames = listOf("")"
. Although it works, it will slow down the startup (because too many packages need to be scanned). - The value of the
for custom scalar type must be UNIQUE, otherwise they cannot be registered at the same time. - When customizing a scalar type, the instance of
used for registration must be a singleton. It must not be created every time it is used (such as obtaining a new instance through a function)
This project is located at, feel free to submit issues or pull requests.