This is an implementation of Collins Perceptron for structured prediction. It is an online learning algorithm which learns the parameters of the model by doing simple perceptron updates. This implementation borrows a couple of tricks from Vowpal Wabbit to keep the model size and runtime memory use bounded irrespective of number of feature used.
The project is completely self-contained and only depends on .NET 3.5 and complies with both Visual Studio and Mono. To start you can either clone this repository and build or you can downlond the binary from the initial release.
The CollinsTagger.exe works on Windows with .NET 3.5 or higher installed and requires mono runtime on *nix like operating systems.
I will use tutorial from the excellent CRFSuite project here. The goal is to build a model which predicts chunk labels for a given sentence.
This tutorial uses training and testing data distributed by CoNLL 2000 shared task. Download the files using these commands
mkdir example
cd example
curl -O
curl -O
The feature generation is exactly same as done in CRFSuite and uses the same scripts. So let’s get the featureization script from CRFSuite's repository
curl -O
curl -O
Now featureize the train and test data
gunzip *
python ./ < train.txt > train.crf.txt
python ./ < test.txt > test.crf.txt
Now we are ready to train a chunking model on this data.
While training a model you have a choice on how you want to convert feature names to feature ids. One way is to assign a unique integer to each feature string and store this mapping in a Dictionary. Advantage of this approach is that there is no feature collision and all your features are preserved. Disadvantage is that the size of dictionary will increase proportionally to the number of features. This could be a problem if the number of features are very large.
To keep runtime memory size bounded, irrespective of number of features, you can use the second approach - feature hashing. Because of hashing different features can hash to same feature id which may or may not cause some loss of performance. But empirically this should be minor.
Let’s start with a conventional model.
./CollinsTagger.exe train --basePath . --numIterations 10 --data train.crf.txt
If all goes well, the program should print average loss with exponential back off. Loss is defined as the number of tags it gets wrong. Let’s walk through the above command
CollinsTagger.exe - The main program
train - the mode of operation. There are only two modes - train and tag
basePath - the folder where all the model files are saved (in case of train mode) or read (in case of tag)
numIterations - number of times to iterate the data (only used during training)
data - input data in CRFSuite format
The run above will produce 4 model files
TagTransitionProbabilities.txt - weight of current tag given previous tag
TagDictionary.txt - mapping of tag names to tag ids
FeatureDictionary.txt - mapping of feature names to feature ids (not created when using feature hashing)
TagFeatureProbabilities.txt - weight of current tag given different features
Now let’s see how well this model learned by seeing its performance on test data.
CollinsTagger.exe tag --basePath . --data test.crf.txt --output output.txt
The command above is almost same as train command except the mode is different and we provide an additional argument called output. The output file will contain the tags as predicted by the model. It will also print the precision/recall statistics per tag and in the last line it prints the per instance accuracy.
Here is the snapshot of what I get in my local run
B-NP 12411 12038 12422 0.969946015631295 0.969087103526002
B-PP 4870 4702 4811 0.965503080082135 0.977343587611723
I-NP 14426 13962 14376 0.967835851934008 0.971202003338898
B-VP 4677 4475 4658 0.956809920889459 0.960712752254186
I-VP 2674 2541 2646 0.950261780104712 0.96031746031746
B-SBAR 513 451 535 0.879142300194932 0.842990654205607
O 6150 5952 6182 0.96780487804878 0.962795211905532
B-ADJP 413 330 438 0.799031476997579 0.753424657534247
B-ADVP 839 707 866 0.842669845053635 0.816397228637413
I-ADVP 80 51 89 0.6375 0.573033707865169
I-ADJP 136 110 167 0.808823529411765 0.658682634730539
I-SBAR 19 3 4 0.157894736842105 0.75
I-PP 43 34 48 0.790697674418605 0.708333333333333
B-PRT 103 79 106 0.766990291262136 0.745283018867924
B-LST 0 0 5 NaN 0
B-INTJ 2 1 2 0.5 0.5
I-INTJ 0 0 0 NaN NaN
B-CONJP 8 5 9 0.625 0.555555555555556
I-CONJP 13 10 13 0.769230769230769 0.769230769230769
I-PRT 0 0 0 NaN NaN
B-UCP 0 0 0 NaN NaN
I-UCP 0 0 0 NaN NaN
1160 2012 0.576540755467197
Now let’s train on same data using feature hashing. To train with feature hashing use this command
CollinsTagger.exe train --basePath . --numIterations 10 --data train.crf.txt --useFeatureHashing 18
useFeatureHashing uses feature hashing instead of feature to id map and 18 determines the number of bits used. More bits will create a bigger model and reduce feature collision.
add the same parameter while tagging
CollinsTagger.exe tag --basePath . --data test.crf.txt --output output.txt --useFeatureHashing 18
Here is the sample output
B-NP 12412 12027 12422 0.968981630679987 0.968201577845758
B-PP 4873 4715 4811 0.967576441617074 0.980045728538765
I-NP 14409 13950 14376 0.968144909431605 0.970367278797997
B-VP 4685 4475 4658 0.955176093916756 0.960712752254186
I-VP 2678 2542 2646 0.949215832710978 0.960695389266818
B-SBAR 508 453 535 0.891732283464567 0.846728971962617
O 6154 5950 6182 0.966850828729282 0.962471692009059
B-ADJP 404 323 438 0.79950495049505 0.737442922374429
B-ADVP 855 718 866 0.839766081871345 0.829099307159353
I-ADVP 85 55 89 0.647058823529412 0.617977528089888
I-ADJP 130 105 167 0.807692307692308 0.62874251497006
I-SBAR 17 3 4 0.176470588235294 0.75
I-PP 41 34 48 0.829268292682927 0.708333333333333
B-PRT 104 84 106 0.807692307692308 0.792452830188679
B-LST 0 0 5 NaN 0
B-INTJ 1 1 2 1 0.5
I-INTJ 0 0 0 NaN NaN
B-CONJP 8 5 9 0.625 0.555555555555556
I-CONJP 13 10 13 0.769230769230769 0.769230769230769
I-PRT 0 0 0 NaN NaN
B-UCP 0 0 0 NaN NaN
I-UCP 0 0 0 NaN NaN
1156 2012 0.57455268389662
As you can see the loss of accuracy with feature hashing is not much. Try this you want to cap memory usage while having large number of features.