A lua module to connect to a mumble server and interact with it
sudo apt-get install libluajit-5.1-dev protobuf-c libprotobuf-c-dev libssl-dev libopus-dev libvorbis-dev
-- Connect to a mumble server
-- Returns nil and an error string if something went wrong
mumble.client, [ String error ] = mumble.connect(String host, Number port, String certificate file path, String key file path)
-- The client's user
mumble.user = mumble.client.me
-- A new voicetarget object
mumble.voicetarget = mumble.voicetarget()
-- A timestamp in milliseconds
Number time = mumble.gettime()
-- Authenticate as a user
mumble.client:auth(String username)
-- Check if the client is connected
Boolean connected = mumble.client:isConnected()
-- Check if the client has fully synced all users and channels
Boolean synced = mumble.client:isSynced()
-- Disconnect from a mumble server
-- Called to process the internal socket and callbacks
-- Play an ogg audio file
mumble.client:play(String ogg file path)
-- Checks if the client is currently playing an audio file
Boolean playing = mumble.client:isPlaying()
-- Stops playing the current audio
-- Sets the global volume level
-- Consider this the master volume level
mumble.client:setVolume(Number volume)
-- Gets the global volume level
Number volume = mumble.client:getVolume()
-- Attempts to change the bots comment
mumble.client:setComment(String comment)
-- Adds a callback for a specific event
-- If no unique name is passed, it will default to "hook"
mumble.client:hook(String hook, [ String unique name = "hook"], Function callback)
-- Gets all registered callbacks
Table hooks = mumble.client:getHooks()
-- Structure
Table hooks = {
["onServerSync"] = {
["hook"] = function: 0xffffffff,
["do stuff on connection"] = function: 0xffffffff,
["onServerPing"] = {
["hook"] = function: 0xffffffff,
["do stuff on ping"] = function: 0xffffffff,
-- Register a mumble.voicetarget to the server
-- Accepts multiple mumble.voicetarget objects that will all be assigned to the given ID
mumble.client:registerVoiceTarget(Number id, mumble.voicetarget ...)
-- Set the current voice target that mumble.client:play() will abide by
-- Defaults to 0, the default voice target
mumble.client:setVoiceTarget(Number id)
-- Get the current voice target
Number id = mumble.client:getVoiceTarget()
-- Get the uptime of the current client
Number time = mumble.client:getUpTime()
-- Returns a table of all mumble.users
Table users = mumble.client:getUsers()
-- Structure
-- Key: session number
-- Value: mumble.user
Table users = {
[session] = mumble.user,
[session] = mumble.user,
[session] = mumble.user,
[session] = mumble.user,
[session] = mumble.user,
-- Returns a table of all mumble.channels
Table channels = mumble.client:getChannels()
mumble.channel channel = mumble.client:getChannel(String path)
-- Structure
-- Key: channel id
-- Value: mumble.channel
Table channels = {
[id] = mumble.channel,
[id] = mumble.channel,
[id] = mumble.channel,
[id] = mumble.channel,
[id] = mumble.channel,
-- Sends a text message to a user
mumble.user:message(String host)
-- Attempts to kick a user with an optional reason value
mumble.user:kick([ String reason ])
-- Attempts to ban a user with an optional reason value
mumble.user:ban([ String reason ])
-- Attempts to move a user to a different channel
mumble.user:move(mumble.channel channel)
-- Attempts to mute a user
-- If no boolean is passed, it will default to muting the user
mumble.user:setMuted([ Boolean mute = true ])
-- Attempts to deafen a user
-- If no boolean is passed, it will default to deafening the user
mumble.user:setDeaf([ Boolean deaf = true ])
-- Attempts to register the users name to the server
-- Requests the users information statistics from the server
-- If no boolean is passed, it will default to requesting ALL statistics
mumble.user:requestStats([ Boolean statsonly = false ])
-- Gets the current mumble.client this user is a part of
mumble.client client = mumble.user:getClient()
-- Gets the current session number
Number session = mumble.user:getSession()
-- Gets the name of the user
String name = mumble.user:getName()
-- Gets the channel of the user
mumble.channel channel = mumble.user:getChannel()
-- Gets the registered ID of the user
-- Is 0 for unregistered users
Number userid = mumble.user:getID()
-- Returns if the user is muted or not
Boolean muted = mumble.user:isMuted()
-- Returns if the user is deaf or not
Boolean deaf = mumble.user:isDeaf()
-- Returns if the user is muted or not
Boolean muted = mumble.user:isSelfMute()
-- Returns if the user is deaf or not
Boolean deaf = mumble.user:isSelfDeaf()
-- Returns if the user is suppressed by the server
Boolean suppressed = mumble.user:isSuppressed()
-- Returns the comment string of the users comment
String comment = mumble.user:getComment()
-- Returns the comments SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.user:getCommentHash()
-- Returns if the user is recording or not
Boolean recording = mumble.user:isRecording()
-- Returns if the user is a priority speaker or not
Boolean priority = mumble.user:isPrioritySpeaker()
-- Returns the users avatar as a string of bytes
String texture = mumble.user:getTexture()
-- Returns the users avatar as a SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.user:getTextureHash()
-- Returns the users username SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.user:getHash()
-- Sets the users avatar image using a string of bytes
mumble.user:setTexure(String bytes)
-- Gets a channel relative to the current
mumble.channel channel = mumble.channel(String path)
-- Sends a text message to the entire channel
mumble.channel:message(String message)
-- Attempts to set the channels description
mumble.channel:setDescription(String description)
-- Attempts to remove the channel
-- Gets the current mumble.client this channel is a part of
mumble.client client = mumble.channel:getClient()
-- Gets the channels name
String name = mumble.channel:getName()
-- Gets the channel ID
Number id = mumble.channel:getID()
-- Gets the parent channel
-- Returns nil on root channel
mumble.channel channel = mumble.channel:getParent()
-- Returns the channels that are parented to the channel
Table children = mumble.channel:getChildren()
-- Returns the users that are currently within the channel
Table users = mumble.channel:getUsers()
-- Gets the channels description
String description = mumble.channel:getDescription()
-- Gets the channels description SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.channel:getDescriptionHash()
-- Returns if the channel is temporary or not
Boolean temporary = mumble.channel:isTemporary()
-- Returns the channels position
Number position = mumble.channel:getPosition()
-- Gets the max number of users allowed in this channel
Number max = mumble.channel:getMaxUsers()
-- Returns a table of all linked channels
Number linked = mumble.channel:getLinked()
-- Attempts to link channel(s)
mumble.channel:link(mumble.channel ...)
-- Attempts to unlink channel(s)
mumble.channel:unlink(mumble.channel ...)
-- Add a user to whisper to
mumble.voicetarget:addUser(mumble.user user)
-- Sets the channel that is be shouted to
mumble.voicetarget:setChannel(mumble.channel channel)
-- Gets the channel that is shouted to
-- Sets the specific user group to whisper to
mumble.voicetarget:setGroup(String group)
-- Shout to the linked channels of the set channel
mumble.voicetarget:setLinks(Boolean followlinks)
-- Shout to the children of the set channel
mumble.voicetarget:setChildren(Boolean followchildren)
Called when the server version information is recieved.
Table event = {
["version"] = Number version,
["release"] = String release,
["os"] = String os,
["os_version"] = String os_version,
Called when the server sends a responce to a ping request. The mumble.client will automatically ping the server every 15 seconds within mumble.client:update()
Table event = {
["timestamp"] = Number timestamp,
["good"] = Number good,
["late"] = Number late,
["lost"] = Number lost,
["resync"] = Number resync,
["udp_packets"] = Number udp_packets,
["tcp_packets"] = Number tcp_packets,
["udp_ping_avg"] = Number udp_ping_avg,
["udp_ping_var"] = Number udp_ping_var,
["tcp_ping_avg"] = Number tcp_ping_avg,
["tcp_ping_var"] = Number tcp_ping_var,
Called when you are rejected from connecting to the server.
Table event = {
["type"] = mumble.reject type,
["reason"] = String reason,
Called after the bot has recieved all the mumble.user and mumble.channel states.
Table event = {
["user"] = mumble.user user,
["max_bandwidth"] = Number max_bandwidth,
["welcome_text"] = String welcome_text,
["permissions"] = Number permissions,
Called when a mumble.channel is removed.
Called when a mumble.channel state has changed.. Like updating the name, description, position, comment, etc..
Called when a mumble.user changes their channel
Table event = {
["user"] = mumble.user user,
["actor"] = mumble.user actor,
["from"] = mumble.channel from,
["to"] = mumble.channel to,
Called when a mumble.user disconnects or is kicked from the server
Table event = {
["user"] = mumble.user user,
["actor"] = mumble.user actor,
["reason"] = String reason,
["ban"] = Boolean ban,
Called when a mumble.user has connected to the server
Table event = {
["user"] = mumble.user user,
Called when a mumble.user state has changed.. Like updating their comment, moving channels, muted, deafened, etc..
Table event = {
["actor"] = mumble.user actor,
["user"] = mumble.user user,
Called when the bot receives a text message
Table event = {
["actor"] = mumble.user actor,
["message"] = String message,
["users"] = Table users,
["channels"] = Table channels
Called when an action is performed that you don't have permission to do
Table event = {
["type"] = Number type,
["permission"] = Number permission,
["channel"] = mumble.channel channel,
["user"] = mumble.user user,
["reason"] = String reason,
["name"] = String name,
Called when the bot recieves the codec info from the server.
Table event = {
["alpha"] = Number alpha,
["beta"] = Number beta,
["prefer_alpha"] = Boolean prefer_alpha,
["opus"] = Boolean opus,
Called when the mumble.user's detailed statistics are received from the server. Only sent if mumble.user:requestStats() is called.
Table event = {
["user"] = mumble.user actor,
["stats_only"] = Boolean stats_only,
["certificates"] = Table certificates,
["from_client"] = {
["good"] = Number good,
["late"] = Number late,
["lost"] = Number lost,
["resync"] = Number resync,
["from_server"] = {
["good"] = Number good,
["late"] = Number late,
["lost"] = Number lost,
["resync"] = Number resync,
["udp_packets"] = Number udp_packets,
["tcp_packets"] = Number tcp_packets,
["udp_ping_avg"] = Number udp_ping_avg,
["udp_ping_var"] = Number udp_ping_var,
["tcp_ping_avg"] = Number tcp_ping_avg,
["tcp_ping_var"] = Number tcp_ping_var,
["version"] = Number version,
["release"] = String release,
["os"] = String os,
["os_version"] = String os_version,
["certificates"] = Table celt_versions,
["address"] = {
["string"] = String ipaddress,
["ipv4"] = Boolean isipv4,
["ipv6"] = Boolean isipv6,
["data"] = Table raw,
["bandwidth"] = Number bandwidth,
["onlinesecs"] = Number onlinesecs,
["idlesecs"] = Number idlesecs,
["strong_certificate"] = Boolean strong_certificate,
["opus"] = Boolean opus,
Called when the servers settings are received. Usually called after OnServerSync
Table event = {
["max_bandwidth"] = Number max_bandwidth,
["welcome_text"] = String welcome_text,
["allow_html"] = Boolean allow_html,
["message_length"] = Number message_length,
["image_message_length"] = Number image_message_length,
["max_users"] = Number max_users,
Called when a hook is erroring. WARNING: Erroring within this hook will cause the script to exit!
Called whenever mumble.client:update() is called.
Called just before a ping is sent to the server.
Called when a sound file has finished playing.