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Miscellaneous scripts

  • 256c: show 256 terminal colors (screenshot)
  • 50off: cut off first 50% of lines
  • agrep: grep lines matching a list of regexes
  • alternate: alternate running commands
  • autolatex: run latex automatically on a .tex file when it has been edited
  • blink: blink num lock led
  • bt: get gdb backtrace
  • bwdump: get bandwidth used
  • c: grep with context and colors
  • calcsrtune: calculate srtune parameters from two pairs of subtitle timestamps
  • ccr: compile c file and run it
  • citation2pdf: get pdf file from citation string
  • count: count occurrences of same lines
  • cpbackup: copy file to a backup file named by date
  • createintegrationbranch: create integration git branch merging non-conflicting pull requests automatically
  • createscriptrepo: create a git repo from a tsv file listing scripts
  • customgrep: grep with perl printing custom string
  • cutw: cut n'th word
  • d: du with flags and sorting
  • dayssince: calculate days since a date
  • decryptpdf: decrypt encrypted pdf files
  • diffdir: find files only in one of two directories
  • everyother: filter off every other line
  • extractsub: extract subtitle files from video files
  • feed: follow an rss feed
  • git-checkout-both: checkout changes from two git branches to a file
  • gitlogfilter: filter git log output to compact, pretty and informative output
  • gl: fancy git log (screenshot)
  • issues: show a list of github issues in a pretty list
  • mydiff: fancy diff
  • mylatex: latex with style and bibliography
  • np: show what's now playing in cmus
  • ntest: test network connection to an address+port
  • onekeylock: lock your computer openable with one key
  • p: search processes
  • passwords: generate passwords
  • permregex: create regex matching all orders of strings
  • pipetovim: pipe to existing vim instance
  • prepend: prepend text to files
  • prs: show a list of github pull requests in a pretty list
  • pyexec: execute python program from a directory
  • remind: remind at a certain time using libnotify
  • rotate: rotate text 180°
  • rsyncqueue: add files to a queue to be rsynced
  • sortbylength: sort lines by length of string
  • stopwatch: stopwatch
  • sumnumbers: sum numbers
  • swaptwofiles: swap two files
  • to: write to file
  • toiso: convert to iso encoding
  • toutf: convert to utf encoding
  • tovim: open file in a new tab in an existing vim instance
  • transcodeaudio: transcode audio in a video file to aac
  • translate: translate word using dictd
  • trim: trim linebreaks and extra whitespace
  • unzipdir: unzip zip files to new directories
  • urlhandler: handle url opening in appropriate program
  • verynice: be very nice
  • waitfor: wait for a process to finish
  • wgetdir: wget a directory
  • widechar: convert to wide characters
  • wikipedia: get excerpt from wikipedia
  • wrapgrep: grep wrapped lines
  • yle-dl-multi: yle-dl multiple files

🅮 Public domain


Miscellaneous scripts






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