- License: MIT
- Repository: Github
- Documentation: Google Docs
- plentymarkets version >= 7
- shopware version >= 5.6
- php >= 7.2
- shell access
- cronjobs
- active plentymarkets webshop
- plentymarkets user with all rest permissions
Prepare Plugin
- cd Shopware/custom/plugins
- git clone https://github.com/plentymarkets/plentymarkets-shopware-connector.git PlentyConnector
- cd PlentyConnector
- composer install --no-dev
Install Plugin
- cd Shopware
- ./bin/console sw:plugin:refresh
- ./bin/console sw:plugin:install --activate PlentyConnector
- ./bin/console sw:cache:clear
Configure Plugin
- visit yourshopwaredomain/backend
- open Settings > PlentyConnector
- add and test api creddentials
- complete all necessary mappings