SableCC Language to Compilers discipline
As it is, you need just to: 1: Clone the repositor.
git clone
2: Import the directory you clone from github to yout Eclipse
a) Right-click on a blank space in your eclipse's Package Explorer
b) Select Import>General>Existing Project into a Workspace and select the dir
3: Add your SableCC jar to the classpath of the Workspace you just imported to Eclipse
a) Right-click the Workspace, select Properties, Java Build Path
b) On the Libraries tab, delete the existing sablecc reference with error and add yours
4: Make your life easier automating the SableCC
a) Get in this site:
b) Follow the "Creating a SableCC Tool" Section to automate the SableCC compilation Process.
This site have a test on the SableCC. If you do not know how to prototype a language in SableCC, follow all the steps is recommended.