Set of preinstalled plugins for the Quick Picture Viewer
ββ my-plugin // Resources folder (images, libraries...)
β β
β ββ myFunc.light.png // Function icon
β ββ myFunc.dark.png // Function icon (for dark mode)
β ββ my-plugin.dll // Main library
ββ my-plugin.json // Props file (name, version, functions...)
"name": "my-plugin", // Unique plugin codename
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "My plugin",
"description": { // Short description in several languages. Supported languages: "en", "ru", "es", "cn", "hu"
"en": "This is my plugin"
"link": "", // Link to the plugin website/repository
"authors": [
"name": "Beelink", // Nickname or real name of the creator
"link": "" // Link to the creator website/GitHub profile
"apiVer": 3, // Quick Plugins API version. Supported versions: 3
"inputType": "bitmap", // The type of data the plugin works with. Supported types: "bitmap"
"dllType": "csharp", // Main library type. Supported types: "csharp", "cpp"
"functions": [ // List of the all plugin tools and effects
"name": "myFunc", // Function name e.g. public Bitmap myFunc(Bitmap bmp, string path)
"title": { // Effect or tool title in several languages. Supported languages: "en", "ru", "es", "cn", "hu"
"en": "My effect"
"type": "effect", // Function type. Supported types: "effect", "tool"
"inputRequired": true, // The plugin needs data to work with (see "inputType" prop)
"dialog": false, // If function has GUI (dialog window)
"hideMainForm": false // If the app's main window should be hidden while the function's dialog opened