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Introduction to Web

1. What is FrontEnd
2. Backend
3. Database
4. Hosting Server

/Users/Zara/Desktop/AngularReact/Sic Mundus/myAngularPractises/

What is Angular?

Angular is a frontend framework to create SPAs with component bases structure using TypeScript

What is a Layout?

Header, Footer And Content- (Components gets loaded in the Content)

Why Components?

To Achieve reusability

What is Typescript?

Typescript is a superset of javascript that is like a syntactical sugar which enables static type checking


NPM - Node Package Manager to install npm packages

Building blocks of Angular

Blocks Description
Module Module is the parent of the application
Component HTML, CSS with TS logic
Pipe Runtime data changes
Service Connect with API/ external agent (Dependency injection)
Routing Manage multiple page

File structure

Files Description
tslint.json linting, make structure of code
tsconfig.spec.json help to locate test files
tsconfig.json ts compiler options - build output, targetting js version Help to locate main files description of application
Package.json dependency, commands and version info
package.lock.json child dependencies
angular.json first file to run contains the path reference for all the files (src, styles, template &configs) it runs src/main.ts
.gitignore ignore files for git
.editorconfig standard developer follows in editor
src/style.css main style file
src/polyfills.ts support old browser
src/index.html mail html template page
src/.favicon browser icon
src/assets images, video, documents other static files
src/environment set PRO/ NON-PRO
src/main.ts load main module it loads app.module.ts

App module

		app.module.ts  load main component
			import, decorators, export
				NgModule from @angular/core for Modules
				Component from @angular/core for Components
				Pipe, PipeTransform for directives & pipes
				Injectible for Services
				NgModule for Routing
				BrowserModule from @angular/platform-browser for display content in the browser

				imports | all modules
				declarations | all components & pipes
				providers | all services
				provider | only main component usually AppComponent
			import, decorator, export
				template/templateUrl - one html
				styles/styleUrl - inline css multiple css


Angular.json -> main.ts -> app.module.ts -> app.component.ts

Create Component

Product component - ng g c product

Day 3

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One Way

Data Binding {{}} or interpolation
Property binding or attribute binding []
Event binding()

Demo 1: In Product Component
	a. Define Variable in the class "title"
	b. use {{}}
Demo 2: Structural Directives (*ngIf, *ngFor, *ngClass)
	a. Define array
	b. Copy the restaurant list from dbjson
	c. Iterate . first find what you want to repeat in html
	d. *ngFor="let item of list"
	e. Create a show/hide button for toggling thumbnail image
	f. create a property binding for img [src]
	g. use negation operator with *ngIf="condition
	h. define condition variable in .ts class
	i. event binding - (click) = "toggleImage()" note: dont miss the braces
	j. write a function toggleImage

Two way [()]

Data flows in both directions
Demo 3: 1. Create a input box for filter by:
	2. USER SEARCH Label with a text
	3. import forms module
	4. two way binding in input [(ngModel)]="searchText"
	6. Define searchText = "Enter your text"
	7. in the USER SEARCH use interpolation to show in html
DEMO 4: Change show Image to Hide Image
	1. Use Ternary operator a>10?true:false;
	2. {{condition? "Hide Image": "Show Image"}} 


Pipes help in runtime data manipulation.use '|' sign for using pipes

Conditional CSS

Rating less than 4 red color 
DEMO 5:  [ngStyle]="{background-color':  rating <4? 'red' : 'green'}"

Custom Pipes

DEMO 6: Custom Pipes
1. create myupper.pipe.ts
2. For Pipes we have to import {Pipes, PipeTransform} from core
3. Decorator @pipe - name 'myupper'
4. class myUpperPipe implements PipeTransform
5. transform(value:string):string - function taking string returning string
6. write logic into the method. return a value
7. Reference in App.Module
8. Use the pipe in html

DEMO 7: make two parameters pipe
1. Left Hands side 1st parameter
2. Right Hand side 2nd parameter
3. case - lower, upper, camel case, Pascal case


DEMO 8: mydiscount.pipe.ts
1. Import pipe, pipetransform
2. @Pipe({name: 'discount'})
3. class myDiscount implements PipeTransform
4. transform( value: number, discount:number): number{
	value = value - (value*discount/100)
	return value
5. If you use string for mydiscount.pipe, it becomes NaN or gives error
6. Use it in html before formatting for string currency

DEMO 9: Random discount
I want to generate discount every page load
1. mydiscount variable in the component Math.Floor(math.random(max-min)+min
2. Now use the mydiscount in the min_price discount pipe
3. Message =  discount > 25? 'Super Lucky' : 'Lucky';
4. getColor():{
return this.message =='Lucky'? 'red':'green'
5. [ngStyle]={color:getcolor()}
6. define Class .lucky in the decorator
7. Use [NgClass] = {'bg-color': expression} use expression to specify the class
8. Other way to use is [ngClass] = {'color':'getColor()'}

Pipes & Custom Pipes

Day 4

Recap and QA

1. var array = [0,1,2,3] => { return data*2}) vs array.filter((data) => { return data*2})
ans: [0,2,4,6] and [1,2,3] 
map returns same length of array
filter only returns value for which the given condition is true

2. ///////////////////////////
var myvar = []
for(var i=0;i<3;i++){
    	console.log("I m in function ",i)


Use of IndexOf and Filter in SearchPipe

DEMO 1: ProductSearch.pipe.ts
1. Import Pipe, pipeTransform
2. Decoratar @Pipe(name: somename)
3. Interface class more like model
4. create product.model.ts
5. export interface IProduct and define the variables for model
6. import IProduct into component.ts & ProductSearch pipe
7. transform(value: Iproduct[], userinput:string):IProduct{
	userInput = userInput ? userInput.toLowerCase(): null
	return userInput ? value.filter((data) =>!= -1 : value;
8. reference the pipe in the app.module
9. Use it in the html 
10. Search count add in the html 


create a child component rating component and use them in product component
DEMO : Star Rating

1. Star.component in Shared folder
2. Import Component 
3. @Component{ selector: ; templateUrl: StyleUrl}
4. export class starComponent
5. Create HTML and css
6. glyphicon/fonticon
<div class="crop" [style.width.px]="starwidth">
	<div width="">
	<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span> five times
7. width/5 total width we used 5 stars. so we can divide the width/rating so that it can fit that much stars
8. .crop css overflow:hidden
9. use <app-star> in parent component
10. Pass data to <app-star>
	@Input Parent to child. property binding
	@Output child to Parent. Event binding
11. put @Input() rating:number in the child component
12. LifeCycle Hook
	Onchanges - Implements OnChanges
	use ngOnChanges() { this.starWidth = width*rating/5 ;}
13. Task: with five star fill only 4 star
	Have two div with position abolute and different color and one with overflow hidden
14. Child to Parent - when click on the start use callback
	@Output() ratingClicked: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>
15. add click method to html (click) = onStar
16. implement onStar() { this.ratingClicked.Emit("The Rating clicked is ${this.rating}");}
17. in the parent add (ratingClicked)="dataReceive($event)" in app-star tag
18. implement dataReceive($event)  in the parent component.ts
19. Loader.gif
20. ng-template #nodata where put the loader image 
21. use this loading when there is no restaurant

Day 5

Life cycle hook

constructor is the first thing called inside the class - Declarations
ngOnInit is the next lifecycle hook -
ngOnChanges when there is a input changes
ngOnDestroy when the component is unloaded


We inject our Product Service into the component using constructor dependency injection
1. Service Import - Injectable, Dependency injection
2. @Injectable({providedIn:'root'})
3. export class Product Service
4. Create a method getrestaurants return the restaurant array
5. Reference the service in App Module in Provide
6. Import service in Component
7. inject the Product service in Constructor
8. Call the product service getrestaurants in the ngOnInit
9. Also put console log to understand the order of the lifecycle methods
DEMO - Mock API server
1. Install a package json-server global package
2. json-server --watch db.json --port 8080
3. Wrap complete json into object and save it as db.json
4. try accessing in browser
DEMO - API call
1. Now that we are done with MockApI, we should use the API call in angular
2. Import HttpClientModule from angular/common/http in AppModule
3. In service, import HttpClient from @angular/common /http and Observable fromrxjs
Read about: RxJs
4. create a variable holding the aPI link
5. create getrestaurants(): Observable<IProduct[]>{
		return this.http.get<Iproduct[]>(this.request.Url);
6. Use it component.
7. Instead of calling direct getrestaurants() call, we have to use subscribe() along with getrestaurants
		this.ProductService.getrestaurants().subscribe((data)=> this.restaurantList = data)
8. Validate the same in browser


DEMO - Create Routing
1. Generate Home component using cli
2. Generate Order component using cli
3. In Home Component put some html with Page Title interpolation
4. In Order Component Html, Place some HTML for now
5. Create app-routing.module.ts
6. Import NgModule from '@angular/core'
7. import {Routes, RouterModule} from '@angular/router'
4. create path variable
	path: 'restaurants', component: ProductComponent
	path: 'order', component: OrdersComponent
	path: 'home', component: HomeComponent
	path: '', redirectTo: Home, pathMatch: 'full'
	Path: '**' component: NotfoundComponent
5. @NgModule decorator @NgModule(
		imports: [],
6. create a export class RoutingModule
7. In decorator imports put RouterModule.forRoot(routes)
8. In decorator exports put RouterModule
9. Now reference app-routing.Module in app.module

DEMO: Use the Routes in Nav bar
1. In app.component.html use <router-outlet></router-outlet>
2. use [routerLink] in Header component html's nav bar
3. Create ProductDetails Component and link it to the  route
		1. Param vs Query Param
		2. Create a link for restaurant Name with routerLink = ['/restaurant/',]
		3. create a route in app-routing.module.ts
		4. to read query param/param we need to import {ActivatedRoute,Router}
		5. Inject ActivatedRoute in constructor
		6. in ngOnInit() assign id = this.route.snapshot.params('id')
		7. Now in html use interpolation to show the ID
		8. How to pass Query Param - using [queryParam], pass the values as object: key:value
		9. How to receive that in Details PAge - 
				this.variabename =data[<parameter>]);


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