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The config-service is a CRUD service of configuration data for Kubescape.


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  1. Overview
  2. Document types
  3. Handlers package
  4. DB package
  5. Adding a new document type handler
    1. Todo List
    2. Using the generic handlers
    3. Router options
    4. Customized behavior
  6. Log & trace
  7. Testing
  8. Running
  9. Configuration


The config-service is a CRUD service of configuration data for kubescape.

It uses gin web framework for http handling and mongo as the service database.

The config service provides a db package for common database CRUD operations and a handlers package for common http handling.


Document types

The service serves documents of DocContent type.

All served document types need to be part of the DocContent types constraint and implement the DocContent interface.

type DocContent interface {
	*MyType | *CustomerConfig | *Cluster | *PostureExceptionPolicy ...
	GetReadOnlyFields() []string

Document types also need bson tags for the fields that are stored in the database.

type PortalCluster struct {
	PortalBase       `json:",inline" bson:"inline"`
	SubscriptionDate string `json:"subscription_date" bson:"subscription_date"`
	LastLoginDate    string `json:"last_login_date" bson:"last_login_date"`

Document Types

Functions in the db and handlers packages are using DocContent type parameter.

clusters := []*types.Cluster{}
frameworks := []*types.Framework{}
//method returns array of specified type 
clusters, err = db.GetAllForCustomer[*types.Cluster](c)
frameworks, err = db.GetAllForCustomer[*types.Framework](c)

Handlers package

Note: as described in the Using the generic handlers section, most endpoints will use the generic handlers by configuring routes options and therefor will not need to use the handlers package functions directly.

The handlers package provides:

  1. gin handlers for handing requests with common CRUD operations. The name convention of a request handler is Handle<method><operation> e.g. HandleGetAll.
  2. Handlers helpers for handling different parts of the request lifecycle.These functions are the building blocks of the request handlers and can also be reused when implementing customized handlers. The naming convention for the handlers helpers is <method><operation>Handler e.g. PostDocHandler or GetByNameParamHandler.
  3. Common middleware functions. The middleware name convention is <method><operation>Middleware e.g. PostValidationMiddleware.
  4. Handlers for common responses.
  5. Predefined mutators-validators to customized Put and Post validation and/or initialize or set required data.
  6. Routes configuration to easily use all the above as described in Using the generic handlers section.

The functions in the handlers package use data stored in the gin context by other middlewares. For instance CustomerGUID is set by the authentication middleware, RequestLogger is set by the logger middleware, dbCollection is set by the db middleware and so on. For full list of context keys see const.go.

DB package

The db package provides:

  1. Common database CRUD functions
  2. Query filter builder
  3. Projection builder
  4. Update command generator
  5. Cache for rarely updated and frequently read documents.

Note: Most endpoints will not need to use the db package directly. Most handlers will be able to implement even customized behavior using just the handlers package functions.

Adding a new document type handler

  • Todo List

  1. Add the type to DocContent types constraint and implement DocContent methods.
  2. Add bson tags to the new type fields.
  3. Add the strings of the new type path and DB collection to const.go.
  4. Add a folder under the routes folder for the new type and a file with func AddRoutes(g *gin.Engine) function for setting up the http handlers for the new type.
  5. call myType.AddRoutes function from main.go after the authentication middleware.
  6. Add e2e tests the new type endpoint.

Using the generic handlers

Endpoint handlers can configure the desired handling behavior by setting routes options and calling the handlers.AddRoutes function.

package "myType"
import (

//Add routes for serving myType 
function AddRoutes(g *gin.Engine) {
    //create a new router options builder for myType with default options 
    routerOptions := handlers.NewRouterOptionsBuilder[*types.MyType].
    //add get by name e.g. GET /myType?typeName="x"
    //disable get names list e.g. GET /myType?list
    //use handlers AddRoutes with the options to build the http handlers 
    handlers.AddRoutes(g, routerOptions.Get()...)
Method/Action Description Option setting example Default
GET all get all user's documents routerOptions.WithServeGet(true) On
GET list of names get list of documents names if "list" query param is set (e.g. GET /myType?list) routerOptions.WithGetNamesList(true) On
GET all with global get all user's and global (without an owner) documents routerOptions.WithIncludeGlobalDocs(true) Off
GET by name get a document by name using query param (e.g. GET /myType?typeName="x") routerOptions.WithNameQuery("typeName") Off
GET by query get a document by query params according to given query config (e.g. GET /myType?scope.cluster="nginx") routerOptions.WithQueryConfig(&queryConfig) Off
POST with guid in path or body create a new document, the post operation can be configured with additional customized or predefined validators like unique name, unique short name attribute routerOptions.WithServePost(true).WithValidatePostUniqueName(true).WithPostValidator(myValidator) On with unique name validator
PUT update a document or a list of documents, the put operation can be configured with additional customized or predefined mutators/validators like GUID existence in body or path routerOptions.WithServePut(true).WithValidatePutGUID(true).WithPutValidator(myValidator) On with guid existence validator
DELETE with guid in path delete a document routerOptions.WithServeDelete(true) On
DELETE by name delete a document or a list of documents by name routerOptions.WithDeleteByName(true) Off

Customized behavior

Endpoints that need to implement customized behavior for some routes can still use handlers.AddRoutes for the rest of the routes, see customer configuration endpoint for example.

If an endpoint does not use any of the common handlers it needs to use other helper functions from the handlers package and/or function from the db, see customer endpoint for example.

Log & trace

Each in-coming request is logged by the RequestSummary middleware, the log format is:


In addition other middleware also set in the gin.Context of each request a new logger with the request data and an OpenTelematry tracer. Handlers should use log functions for specific logging


import "config-service/utils/log"
 func myHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    log.LogNTrace("hello world", c)


{"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-20T20:11:17.180274896+02:00","msg":"hello world","method":"GET","query":"posturePolicies.controlName=Allowed hostPath&posturePolicies.controlName=Applications credentials in configuration files","path":"/v1_posture_exception_policy","trace_id":"afa45fe66bd47fb7592a76c0fc4c3715","span_id":"98e47f28bc3503a6"}

For tracing times of heavy time consumers functions use:

func deleteAll(c gin.Context) {
    defer log.LogNTraceEnterExit("deleteAll", c)()

log on entry


log on exit

{"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-20T20:30:05.518747309+02:00","msg":"deleteAll completed","method":"DELETE","query":"","path":"/v1_myType","trace_id":"71e0cf6b3d355a0733e42c514c9a7772","span_id":"ff51efe3cdf366fd"}


The service main test defines a testify suite that runs a mongo container and the config service for end to end testing.

Endpoints use the common handlers can also reuse the common tests functions to test the endpoint behavior.


At the top of the suite file there is a comment with command line needed to run the tests and generate a coverage report, please make sure your code is covered by the tests before submitting a PR.

For details see the existing endpoint tests


Running the tests

# run the tests
go test ./...

Running the tests with coverage

#run the tests and generate a coverage report 
#TODO add new packages to the coverpkg list if needed
go test -timeout 30s  -coverpkg=./handlers,./db,./types,./routes/prob,./routes/login,./routes/v1/cluster,./routes/v1/posture_exception,./routes/v1/vulnerability_exception,./routes/v1/customer,./routes/v1/customer_config,./routes/v1/repository,./routes/v1/registry_cron_job,./routes/v1/admin -coverprofile coverage.out  
coverage: 75.3% of statements in ./handlers, ./db, ./types, ./routes/prob, ./routes/login, ./routes/v1/cluster, ./routes/v1/posture_exception, ./routes/v1/vulnerability_exception, ./routes/v1/customer, ./routes/v1/customer_config, ./routes/v1/repository,./routes/v1/admin
ok      config-service  7.170s

#convert the coverage report to html and open it in the browser
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html \
&& open coverage.html

Running the service locally

To run the service locally you need first to run a mongo instance.

docker run --name=mongo -d -p 27017:27017 -e "MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin" -e "MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin" mongo 

For debug purposes you can also run a mongo-express instance to view the data in the mongo instance.

docker network create mongo
docker run --name=mongo -d -p 27017:27017 --network mongo -e "MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin" -e "MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin" mongo 
docker run --name=mongo-express -d -p 8081:8081 --network mongo -e "ME_MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin" -e "ME_MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin" -e "ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_URL=mongodb://admin:admin@mongo:27017/" mongo-express

Then you can run the service.

go run .
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-21T15:59:17.579524706+02:00","msg":"connecting to single node localhost"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-21T15:59:17.579589138+02:00","msg":"checking mongo connectivity"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-21T15:59:17.594646374+02:00","msg":"mongo connection verified"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-21T15:59:17.594796442+02:00","msg":"Starting server on port 8080"}

Sure, here's a sample section detailing each part of your config.json file:


The application's settings are usually stored in a config.json file, located in the root directory. However, you can specify a different location for the configuration file using the CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

Here's a brief description of each setting:

    "port": 8080,
    "mongo": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 27017,
        "db": "dbname",
        "user": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "replicaSet": ""
    "logger": {
        "level": "debug"
    "telemetry": {
        "jaegerAgentHost": "localhost",
        "jaegerAgentPort": "32033"

Settings Description

  • port : The port number on which the service runs.

  • mongo : MongoDB connection settings:

    • host : The hostname or IP address of the MongoDB server.
    • port : The port number on which the MongoDB server is listening.
    • db : The name of the database to use in MongoDB.
    • user : The username for MongoDB authentication. Leave it as an empty string if authentication is not enabled.
    • password : The password for MongoDB authentication. Leave it as an empty string if authentication is not enabled.
    • replicaSet : The name of the MongoDB replica set. Leave it as an empty string if a replica set is not used.
  • logger : Logger settings:

    • level : The level of logs to be emitted by the service. Can be set to "debug", "info", "warn", "error", etc.
  • telemetry : Telemetry settings:

    • jaegerAgentHost : The hostname or IP address of the Jaeger agent for tracing.
    • jaegerAgentPort : The port number on which the Jaeger agent is listening.

Configuring with config.json

By default, the service reads its settings from config.json in the root directory.

Configuring with CONFIG_PATH

You can specify a different location for the configuration file using the CONFIG_PATH environment variable. This is useful if you want to keep configuration files in a separate directory, or if you have different configuration files for different environments.

To use CONFIG_PATH, set it to the path of your configuration file. For example:

export CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/your/config.json

Note: Sensitive data like usernames, passwords or any kind of secrets should not be stored directly in the config.json file for security reasons. Consider using environment variables or secure secret management systems for such data.

Overriding settings using Environment Variables

Some settings can be overridden using environment variables. This is useful if you want to change a specific setting without modifying the config.json file, or if you want to provide sensitive data like passwords.

Currently, the service supports the following environment variables:

  • MONGODB_USER : Overrides the MongoDB username.
  • MONGODB_PASSWORD : Overrides the MongoDB password.

For example:

export MONGODB_USER=myuser
export MONGODB_PASSWORD=mypassword