App for music lovers. Add all your artists, sort them and rate them.
See screenshots folder
Since I listen music via streaming, I discovered lot of new good stuff and I a bit forgot my local music. Streaming apps does not have all music and the artists management is not enought mature for the moment, so I needed something where I can view all my music library, rate it, explore it and sort it.
- API key to retrieve artists info (can be disable in source)
- Python 2.7 and later
- SQL database
- Create virtualenv and install dependencies with pip
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv /path/to/melopedia/venv
$ source /path/to/melopedia/venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create SQL database and configure connexion in file doc
- Create database structure
$ ./
- Start app. Exemple invocations :
$ ./ --host
$ ./ --host --port 8000
$ ./ --debug
You can use script to add your local library. To work well, directory tree must be Tags/artists/albums Exemples :
$ ./ -r /path/to/music/Classical/ -g "classical"
Add multiple tags, separate by ':'
$ ./ -r /path/to/music/Metal/Progressive\ Metal/ -g "progressive metal:metal"
Pass the --help flag to get a help message.