Arjun AppDirect Challenge
AppDirect Integration Challenge
This application serves as a minimal integration of AppDirect's APIs and includes the following:
Integration of AppDirect's subscription management and user management events Spring-based web application using Spring Boot Spring Security - protects restricted URLs, validates OAuth 1.0 and OpenID headers and maintains session OpenID authentication OAuth 1.0 one-legged authentication of incoming requests from AppDirect OAuth 1.0 signing of outbound requests to AppDirect H2 in-memory SQL database Thymeleaf templates and Bootstrap for minimal web UI
To get the code:
Clone the repository:
$ git clone If this is your first time using Github, review to learn the basics.
Running locally:
In your preferred IDE such as Eclipse, IDEA: To create a jar and deploy the application from the command line with gradle: Import app-direct-challenge as a Gradle Project. Do the following $ ArjunKAppDirectChallenge $ gradle build $ ./gradlew build $ java -jar build/libs/ArjunKAppDirectChallenge-0.1.0.jar Access the deployed web application at: http://localhost:8080/
Other info:
You can access a running instance of this application at
Feel free to drop me an email!