v17.46.4-5.3.12 - CercubePlusExtra
CercubePlusExtra Features
CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.
LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.
LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on for users not liking Normal Low Contrast Mode. grants all users the ability to switch to additional colors instead of just having the color Gray aka old YouTube Interface Color.
YTNoHeatwaves: another small feature to disable or enable the Heatwaves feature when watching videos in non-fullscreen videos and fullscreen videos. Incompatible with Cercube
YTNoUpdateMenu: will disable the update menu no matter what. and should give you a few years to make YouTube/Google from forcing you into updating their app with a non-removable menu that wasn’t removable until now. This tweak is mainly for users that use TrollStore if you really want to stay on that specific version of the Tweaked YouTube app.
CercubePlusExtra Release Information
Default Cercube Version: v5.3.12
Default YouTube IPA: v17.46.4
Default App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later
- Updated Cercube to v5.3.12
- Updated YouTube from v17.41.2 to v17.46.4
- Updated YTABConfig to v1.4.5-4