End-to-end data science Assignment to predict concrete strength. Includes model training using machine learning, model serialization with pickle, and deployment via a Flask-based web application.
Features: Model Training & Evaluation: Uses machine learning techniques to predict concrete strength. Model Serialization: Saves the trained model with Pickle for easy deployment. Flask Web Application: A user-friendly interface that takes concrete ingredients as input and predicts the strength. Lightweight Interface: Simple and easy to use for testing predictions.
Technologies Used Programming Language: Python Libraries: Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy Web Framework: Flask (for creating the web app) Model Serialization: Pickle (for saving and loading the trained model)
Deployment (Development Server) The Flask application runs on the local server for development purposes. It can be accessed at on your local machine. Note: This setup is for development and testing. It is not recommended for production use.
Folder Structure Flask_ConcreteStrengthPredictor/ │ ├── static/ # Contains JS file for the Flask app ├── templates/ # Contains HTML templates for the Flask app ├── Concrete_Data.csv/ # Dataset used for training ├── concrete.pkl/ # Saved model file (Pickle format) ├── concrete strength_prediction.py # Script for training the ML model ├── app.py # Flask application file ├── requirements.txt # Dependencies ├── README.md # Description
Install Dependencies: First, install the required Python libraries by running the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt
Train the Model: Run the program to train the machine learning model. python concrete_strength_prediction.py This will create a pickled model file (concrete.pkl) for deployment.
Run the Flask Application: Run program to start the Flask web server: python app.py The app will be hosted at
Make Predictions: Open your browser and go to Enter the concrete ingredient values (e.g., cement, water, age). Click the Submit button to get the estimated concrete strength.
Demo Screenshots of the app interface and functionality can be found in the repository.