Configured to output beans, usage is as follows::
java -jar cleaner-1.0.jar -format [format] [sourcepath] [classpath]
- [format] is one of json (default), jaxb, json_serialize (json plus @Named fields for serialization), mixed (json_serialize & jaxb) or minimal
- [sourcepath] points to the folder containing the source for your beans
- [classpath] is something to be added to the classpath of the run (e.g. target/classes or "target/classes:../somewhere").
- regrettably, if classpath is incorrect the results will have Object references in place of the expected class.
- for mixed mode you need to provide the jaxb annotations in the input (the jclouds json annotations will be added)
- it is generally possible to cycle through the usual forms of beans, picking up @Named, @SerializedName, @XmlElement, etc. to determine serialized names (for 'mixed' this is helpful)
- in the case of @ConstructorProperties on a constructor and no field annotations the cleaner will try to work things out (assuming the parameters to the constructor match the field names!)
To regenerate the beans for nova on my laptop I would do as follows::
Adam-Lowes-MacBook-Pro:nova aplowe$ java -jar ~/src/jclouds-bean-cleaner/target/cleaner-1.0.jar -format json_serialize src/main/java/org/jclouds/openstack/nova/domain target/classes/
INFO: Loading source file /Users/aplowe/src/jclouds-aplowe2/apis/nova/src/main/java/org/jclouds/openstack/nova/domain/
INFO: Processing Server writing to /Users/aplowe/src/jclouds-aplowe2/apis/nova/target/generated-sources/cleanbeans/org/jclouds/openstack/nova/domain/
INFO: Javadoc returned successfully
INFO: You passed the following arguments: -format json_serialize src/main/java/org/jclouds/openstack/nova/domain target/classes/
Adam-Lowes-MacBook-Pro:nova aplowe$
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