This project simulates a water management plant. Please note you will need a password to access the admin panel. The password is: "cloud"
- Python 3.10
- pip
- virtualenv
- Raspeberry Pi Simulator:
- Azure IoT Hub:
- Please note that you may either run the application locally or use the deployed version
- If you want to run the application locally, please follow the steps below. If you want to use the deployed version, please skip to step 7.
- Clone the repository
- Create a virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application: streamlit run or click on used the deployed version -- Please note that if you want to see the valve status print in the console, you need to run the application locally.
- Open the Raspberry Pi Simulator and paste the code from
in the code section of the Raspery Pi Simulator (right-hand side) - Click on the
button. - You are now ready to interact with the UI!
The project is divided into two parts: the UI and the Raspberry Pi Simulator. The back-end essentially works as follows:
The script establishes a connection to Azure IoT Hub using the IoTHubRegistryManager from the azure.iot.hub module. It utilizes a connection string specified in the CONNECTION_STRING variable. The script manages valve status and devices in a water treatment plant, with a list of device IDs representing valves and a dictionary (valve_status) tracking their current status (open/closed).
Several functions are defined:
- connect_to_hub(): Establishes a connection to Azure IoT Hub and returns a registry manager instance.
- send_message_and_disconnect(device_id, json_payload): Sends a message to Azure IoT Hub with a JSON payload for a specific device and disconnects afterward.
- open_valve(device_id): Opens a valve when an open button is pressed by sending a message with a payload indicating an open status to Azure IoT Hub.
- close_valve(device_id): Closes a valve when a close button is pressed by sending a message with a payload indicating a closed status to Azure IoT Hub.
- read_valve_status_for_ui(): Reads valve status from a file (valve_status.json) for user interface display.
- write_valve_status_for_ui(data): Writes valve status to a file for user interface display.
- admin_login(): Takes an admin password as input from the user using Streamlit's text_input.
- admin_actions(): Displays admin actions (open/close valves) and a sleep button for a specified duration.
- user_actions(): Displays user actions (view valve status).
- sleep_function(sleep_duration): Sleeps for a specified duration meaning that the status of the valves is only check after this time has passed
- Anna Payne
- Aya Yasmine Belloum
- Makenna Warner
- India Sanchez
- Isabel de Valenzuela