- All Readme includes theory assignment
- For each session progress run
npm run dev
in each folder will power up the dev env. Andnpm run build
to make a build.
- Learnt how to power up React app without bundler to give understanding of how react app works.
- Learnt different extensions to increase productivity
- Cross-Origin
- Difference between react.dev.min.js vs. react.prod.min.js
- Async vs Defer.
- package.json
- package-lock.json
- dependecies
- devDependecies
- Parcel with it's feature in details
- .gitignore
- browserlist and dist folder.
- Diffrence between function, functional component and how to write them
Knowledge heavy session
Food App intialized
- React Fragment
- Comments in jsx, attributes in jsx and style in jsx
- Virtual DOM
- Reconciliation
- Diff Algorithum
- React Fiber
- Importance of key
- Props
- Config Driven UI
- Default Export vs. Named export
- Ways to import component
- Hooks
- useState hook
- Progerss into Food App
- Microservice
- Monolith architecture
- Difference between Monolith and Microservice?
- useEffect Hook
- What is Optional Chaining?
- What is Shimmer UI?
- What is the difference between JS expression and JS statement
- What is Conditional Rendering, explain with a code example**
- What is CORS?
- async and await?
- React Router DOM
- useEffect with Dependecies array
- Single Page Application
- Client Side Rendring
- Server Side Rendering