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Here I made and deployed a website which showcases various Large Language and AI Models characterized based on their use case and their Architecture.

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React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:

Overview of the project: -

  • In this Project I made and deployed a website which showcases various Large Language and AI Models. Also, the models are characterized based on their use case and their Architecture.
  • I made various card components for different models through which the user can go either to the explore page (to know more about the model and its Use-cases and interact with its data) or rather to Try out page.
  • Instead of Hard-coding the Data I Created my personal JSON placeholder on my Own JSON server on my GitHub to enrich the user Interface.
  • My JSON Placeholder is live at (

Try it Out

  • This Try out page was little special and tricky because here I read, interacted and observed various APIs of famous LLM’s and how they function. On understanding them, I Integrated these APIs into my webpage so that a preview could be used by the users on how these Models really function. After Integration I used users Responses to enable them to interact with the models through UI components bought to life by the API’s Endpoint and their Algorithm.

Uploading Info in Explore Space

  • This is a feature that gives a space for providers to upload information about their models, so that they can be shown in the “Explore” space. I integrated input textboxes for having user input their information and then managing the state of the entered text with the previously entered one through local storage so that this ties in seamlessly with the Application built.


  • I linked all these pages using React-Router as it reduces the number of times the application Renders. I created this Project with a JavaScript Framework known as ReactJs and deployed it using Vercel . Here I used the web Builder Bundler Vite over Create React App because it provides a faster spin-up off the development server.


Here were all the libraries, frameworks and packages I used for creating this project: -

  • @chatscope/chat-ui-kit-react : for designing and creating the chat components of the API integrated LLM models for users to interact.
  • react and react-dom : for designing our Application in ReactJs
  • react-router-dom : for routing all the webpages without unwanted rendering
  • openai : for installing the libraries needed for API integration of Various LLM models developed by OpenAI such GPT, DALL-E
  • @google/generative-ai : for installing the libraries needed for API integration of LLM model developed by Google such Gemini.
  • @nextui-org/react : for designing our website and generating certain icon components from this library to better style the Website
  • Tailwind-CSS : for styling our website with ease as it requires only inline CSS
  • Dotenv : for generating environment for storing environment variables storing the API_KEY of various API’s
  • Axios for fetching the API’s

Page Load Time

  • Page load time measures how long it takes for the contents of a website to show up in the user’s browser. The loading process of a website will consist of multiple milestones, for example starting to show text or displaying a hero image.

  • For this website I measured the Page Load time after deploying this website and measured its data from Google’s Page speed insights.

  • My First Contentful and largest Contentful Paint came out to be 0.8s

  • My Total Blocking time was 0 sec

  • My speed index was 1.2 sec

  • The page load time of website depends on the Server Response time, download Sizes and Rendering Times. I did certain optimizations to decrease the load time of my applications some of them being: -


  1. I used React-Router-DOM for routing instead of anchor tags to reduce rendering times.
  2. I downloaded low-resolution images instead of extracting them from the webserver contributing to a quicker load time.
  3. I used Vite Application very conservatively and deleted all the components that were not in use so that My website Size would reduce.
  4. I fetched the data quickly through Mock Backend JSON Server Made personally by me on my GitHub so that fast Fetching could take place.
  5. I reduced unused scripts and CSS


Here I made and deployed a website which showcases various Large Language and AI Models characterized based on their use case and their Architecture.







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