Have a look: https://feel-happy-anu.netlify.app/
Figma-link: https://www.figma.com/file/9PuQO0wowcN55BtzfgPp5g/Happy-Web?t=hMecvKjNezUPJtB6-1
I was fascinated with the variety of APIs. So I have made an attempt by fetching few APIs and developed a feel‐good personal website which
aims in making the user cheerful and stress-free .
It fetches:
• Your BMI and weight status , taking weight and height as input.
• Weather info of any city for you to plan trips.
• A random joke to enhance the mood of the user.
I also used my previous project,https://anupandey1.github.io/Atmos/ (my first attempt to fetch an api)