#Survey Framework
##Run the interactive demo
- navigate to survey_framework directory
- run python servers/buttonserver.py (don't cd into servers)
- in the browser, go to localhost:2222/index.html
##Modifying the slides
####Instructions, slide images, button labels Example: this json-type block goes from python to javascript to provide the new content
if sessionData["picCount"]==3:
ret = {"imageURL": "images/slide3.png",
"buttonLabels": ["Prev", "Next"],
"instructionText": "Slide 3",
"sessionData": sessionData}
return json.dumps(ret)
buttonoptions.js deals with this returned json.
####Slides Layout
- To change the order, edit index.html
- To change button positioning, edit css/mystyle.css Example: move instructions below the slides:
<!-- index.html -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div id="screen">
<img id="ui-image" src="images/slide1.png" />
<video style="display:none;" id="ui-video" height="400" autoplay="autoplay" src="">
<!-- THIS LINE --> <h3 id="instruction-text"></h3> <!-- NOW BELOW THE IMG/VID -->
<button id="left-button" type="button" class="ui-button btn btn-primary btn-lg" style="display:none;">null</button>
<button id="right-button" type="button" class="ui-button btn btn-primary btn-lg">Next</button>
####Playing videos This repository provides an example with playing a video. There is an empty hidden block for video in index.html:
<video style="display:none;" id="ui-video" height="400" autoplay="autoplay" src=""></video>
To play a video in index.html you need to add a videoURL and set sessionData["playVideo"]=1
if sessionData["picCount"]==4:
sessionData["playVideo"] = 1
ret = {"videoURL": videoLink,
"imageURL": "images/slide4.png",
"buttonLabels": ['Prev', 'Next'],
"instructionText": "Notice disabled buttons",
"sessionData": sessionData}
return json.dumps(ret)
In this example, we play the video, and display an image instead as soon as it's over. You can modify that behavior in js/buttonoptions.js
####Video controls
- Controls are disabled by editing index.html (reference)
- hiding the video and displaying the picture on ending is done in buttonoptions.js (reference)
##Setting up a questionnaire or any significantly different layout
We will explain this on the example of the questionnaire that's featured in the demo.
####Moving from slides to questionnaire If a different page layout is needed, your server-side can include a flag in jsonData to notify the javascript. The following code is used to switch to a different page:
if ("toSurvey" in jsonData){
window.location.href = "survey.html";
####Connecting the survey page with the server If you're setting up your own html file, the following is required to connect it to the server:
- post request sending in your html file (forms) or javascript (buttons)
- post request handling in buttonserver.py
Questionnaire example:
<!-- survey.html -->
<form action="submit_survey" method="post" id="survey">
<!-- ^ Note the action and method -->
def handle_survey():
Button handling example:
$.post(buttonPOSTUrl, JSON.stringify(postData), handleResponse);
def do_click():
##Integrating your python experiment script Check out our buttonoptions repository for a more advanced example featuring a 1 user game adopted for study with multiple users running it at the same time. Main adjustments to add our python modules:
- Model2.py in servers directory
- import Model2 in buttonserver.py
- we call Model2 functions passing button index and some indices and get output to determine the new page content
##Collecting the data
####Logging user actions
buttonserver.py keeps everything in the data
dictionary: keys - user IDs, values - lists.
Example: logging the time the user started the survey:
startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
data[gen_id].append("start: "+ str(startTime))
####Saving the log Currently done after the survey is finished.
with open('output/log.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
##Mturk related
####Identifying the users Generate an id for the client and keep it in their cookies:
gen_id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase +
string.digits) for _ in range(6))
response.set_cookie('mturk_id', gen_id, max_age=survey_duration, path='/')
Retrieve the cookie to identify the user:
mturk_id = request.cookies.get('mturk_id','NOT SET')
####An easy way to display mturk id after the survey is to just return a string in buttonserver.py. We provide an example with displaying a timestamp, but you could change it to mturk_id:
return """<img src="images/slidex.png" />
<br><p>Fun fact: you started the demo at {}</p>