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Advent of Code 2015 in Rust

Rust solutions for Advent of Code 2015 problems

Setting up for a new day

This repo is structured as a cargo workspace. Each day's problem is solved in a separate binary crate, named dayNN. There are also library crates. The following steps set me up with a baseline to work on a new day's problem. When I learn how, I'll write an app that plugs in to cargo so I can just say something like cargo aoc NN.

  • cargo new dayNN
  • Add dayNN to the workspace members list in ./Cargo.toml
  • If the problem has a large puzzle input (most days do), create file dayNN/src/dayNN.txt and copy in the puzzle input
  • Add const INPUT: &str = include_str!("dayNN.txt"); to the top of dayNN/ If the puzzle input is short (e.g., a single line), then it can be assigned directly to INPUT instead of reading it out of dayNN.txt with include_str!.
  • Replace the rest of with:
// const INPUT: &str = include_str!("dayNN.txt");
// const INPUT: &str = "";

fn main() {
    println!("Day NN Part 1: {:?}", part1(INPUT));
    println!("Day NN Part 2: {:?}", part2(INPUT));

// replace return type as required by the problem
fn part1(input: &str) -> i32 {

// replace return type as required by the problem
fn part2(input: &str) -> i32 {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use test_support::test_support::TestCase;

    fn test_part1() {
        let test_cases = [
            TestCase { input: "...", expected: 123 },
            TestCase { input: "abc", expected: 345 },
        for TestCase{input, expected} in test_cases.iter() {
            assert_eq!(part1(*input), *expected);

    fn test_part2() {
        let test_cases = [
            TestCase { input: "...", expected: 123 },
            TestCase { input: "abc", expected: 345 },
        for TestCase{input, expected} in test_cases.iter() {
            assert_eq!(part2(*input), *expected);
  • Add test_support = {path="../test_support"} to the dependencies in dayNN/Cargo.toml (depending on the problem, this might not be used)
  • Add dayNN/ to capture thoughts and reflections on the problem and Rust features
  • Run cargo build -p dayNN and cargo test -p dayNN to trigger an update to Cargo.lock
  • git add dayNN Cargo.toml Cargo.lock and git commit -m "Added Day NN skeleton and git push


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