In order to write integration tests on different JetBrains products we use following libraries
ide-starter library downloads the latest public build and runs tests on it.
The most important entities in the library are:
IDETestContext - which is a downloaded and prepared to be run IDE
TestCases - a test case defines which product (IDE) you will use in your test and which project will be opened when IDE will be started in your test
JUnit4StarterRule - allows to run your test on the already downloaded IDE (which should be placed under out/perf-startup/installers/<product_code>)
The most important methods in the library are:
initializeTestRunner(testName: String, testCase: TestCase) which creates an object of IDETestContext with all needed for IDE directories (system dir, config dir, plugins dir and logs dir).
You can call some really useful methods on this object in order to set up the IDE properly (like f.ex. addVMOptionsPatch { this.addSystemProperty("", "")} method)
runIDE() which creates a test script from commands which you passes to the method, runs IDE, executes these commands and kill the IDE when the time defined in parameter timeout is over and IDE is still alive
ide-metrics-collector library collects indexing metrics from the test's run and stores them as a json file in reports dir
performance-testing-commands provides a way to create a test script with commands which will be executed in the test
Tests' artifacts are stored under out/perf-startup/tests directory
Downloaded installers are stored under out/perf-startup/installers directory
Downloaded plugins, JBRs, projects and unpacked builds are stored under out/perf-startup/cache directory
You can try our framework by running the test IntegrationPerformanceTests.communitySourcesIndexing or any other test from IntegrationPerformanceTests.kt
You can either put the project under projectsForTests or set a path to your project when you create an object of TestCases classes
You can also download your project from any source.