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Modern Firebase push notification app for Django with flexible interface


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Firebase cloud messaging for Django with original Google SDK.


  • 2023-03-23: Version 0.2.0
    • Overhaul FCMDevice to be customizable
    • Remove FCM_USER_MODEL and add FCM_DEVICE_MODEL config settings (see below)
  • 2023-03-10: Version 0.1.0
    • First beta release
    • Standard push notifications
    • Localized push notifications
    • Sending in foreground and background with celery


  1. Requirements
  • Add firebase_push to your requirements.txt/Pipfile/pyproject.toml
  • Import the default settings at the end of your
    from firebase_push.conf.settings import *
  • Override default settings if needed (see next section)
  1. URLs
  • Add urls to your urlpatterns in
    from firebase_push.conf.urls import urlpatterns as firebase_push_urlpatterns
    urlpatterns += firebase_push_urlpatterns
  1. Application
  • Add firebase_push and rest_framework to your INSTALLED_APPS
  1. Add a FCMHistory and FCMDevice class to your application:
from firebase_push.models import FCMHistoryBase, FCMDeviceBase

class FCMHistory(FCMHistoryBase):

class FCMDevice(FCMDeviceBase):
  1. Point the setting FCM_PUSH_HISTORY_MODEL and FCM_DEVICE_MODEL to that class:
  1. Run makemigrations and migrate
  2. Do not forget to configure REST-Framework authentication (or supply CSRF Tokens when calling the API :S)



Set environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path to your service account JSON file:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service_account.json

Alternatively you can use the django setting FCM_CREDENTIALS_FILE to provide the path.

To generate a private key file for your service account:

  1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.
  2. Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.
  3. Securely store the JSON file containing the key.


  • FCM_FETCH_USER_FUNCTION: (path) path to the function to call in your code to fetch a user id to attach to the request. Will be called with the Django request as single parameter, expected to return an id to a DB model instance of the model used in your FCMDevice class.


If you send your push notifications without sync=True you will need a running celery worker.

To configure celery you will need at least the following in your

# Celery broker URL for redis transport
CELERY_BROKER_URL = f"redis://localhost:6379/1"

To start the celery worker user something like this:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=serviceaccount.json # Point this to the google service account
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=demo.settings.native # Point this to your config
celery --app demo worker # demo here stands as placeholder for your application

To send Push Notifications manually there is an extra button in the Django admin for the FCMHistory class:

Send notification button screenshot

API Endpoints for devices

  • firebase-push/: registration endpoint, call this on app-activation


	"registration_id": "<fcm_token>",
	"topics": [ "default" ],
	"platform": "ios",
	"app_version": "2.0"
  • registration_id: FCM Token from Firebase SDK
  • topics: List of topics to subscribe to. If left out defaults to default
  • platform: app platform, one of android, ios, web, if left out defaults to unknown
  • app_version: app version string, if left out defaults to empty string


	"registration_id": "<FCM token>",
	"topics": [
	"platform": "ios",
	"app_version": "2.0",
	"created_at": "2023-01-30T15:20:44.265191",
	"updated_at": "2023-01-30T15:20:44.265208"

You may POST new values, autentication for the user is handled by REST-Framework. If the user of the registration changes, the old registration is removed and a new one is created. This is done to avoid receiving notifications of other users when frequently switching accounts while testing the app.

To update for example the subscribed topics you may call PATCH on the endpoint with appended registration ID (like firebase-push/<bla>) and only specify the changed values in the payload. If the registration is currently recorded for a different user, the old registration will be removed as with POST. Calling the endpoint with PATCH is possible but the utility of this is limited, better stick to POST and include all values to make sure everything is recorded in the DB correctly.

If you call the endpoint with GET you will get a list of all registrations of the current user.

If you call the endpoint with DELETE and appended registration ID (like firebase-push/<bla>) the push registration will be deleted from the server if the current user owns it and you will receive a 204 No Content response.

DB Models

There are 3 Models of which one is an abstract model.

  1. FCMDevice aka FCMDeviceBase: The device registration, contains FCM tokens and some metadata about the device. You can override the user field or add your own fields to modify this class.
  2. FCMTopic: A topic for which a device can register. Can be used to filter which messages to send to which devices
  3. FCMHistory aka FCMHistoryBase: This is the abstract model for the push notification history. You can add your own fields to this to save additional information about a message.


  • registration_id the FCM Token
  • user user to which this device belongs, devices will cascade delete with this user
  • topics topics which the device subscribes to
  • platform platform as reported by the device on registration, one of android, ios, web, unknown
  • app_version stringified application version as reported by device
  • created_at, updated_at, disabled_at some dates used by the cleanup scripts


  • message_id internal UUID to identify messages that were sent in one batch
  • message_data JSON data that was sent to firebase
  • device device this message was sent to (will be set to None if the device is removed)
  • user the user that this message was sent to (will cascade delete the history if removed)
  • topic optional: topic this message was sent to
  • status one of pending, sent, failed
  • error_message if status is failed this contains the error message
  • created_at, updated_at some dates used by the cleanup scripts

On overriding FCMHistoryBase:

if you override the history class to add custom data to it, it is probably a good idea to override the PushMessage classes too to hook into history item creation:

# Data model
from django.db import models
from firebase_push.models import FCMHistoryBase

class FCMHistory(FCMHistoryBase):
  foobar = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=False, blank=False)

# Push message override
from typing import Any
from firebase_push.message import PushMessage

class MyPushMessage(PushMessage):

  def __init__(self, title: str = "", body: str = "", link: Optional[str]=None, foobar: str = "nothing"):
    super().__init(title, body, link=link)
    self.foobar = foobar

  def serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    result = super().serialize()
    return result

  def deserialize(self, data: dict[str, Any]):
    self.foobar = data['foobar']

  def create_history_entries(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list[FCMHistory]:
    entries = super().create_history_entries(*args, **kwargs)

    for entry in entries:
      entry.foobar = self.foobar
    return entries

Message sending

To send a message use one of the PushMessageBase subclasses like provided:

  • PushMessage: Basic push message class, no i18n logic
  • LocalizedPushMessage: Push message with i18n logic

Basic interface is like this:

from firebase_push.message import PushMessage

msg = PushMessage("Title", "body text", link="")

This will send the message to all devices registered to the user some_user that subscribe the test topic. Sending will be performed in the background via Celery task. The celery task will update the automatically created FCMHistory object once it has been processed. If you send to a topic that does not exist it is created on the spot, but will then of course reach no device.

There are optional additional attributes you may set for a message:

Common attributes:

  • collapse_id: If multiple messages with this ID are sent they are collapsed
  • badge_count: Badge count to display on app icon, may not work for all android devices, set to 0 to remove badge
  • data_available: Set to True to trigger the app to be launched in background for a data download.
  • sound: Play a sound for the notification, set to default to play default sound or to name of sound file in app-bundle otherwise.
  • data: Custom dictionary of strings to append as data to the message

Android specific:

  • android_icon: Icon for the notification
  • color: CSS-Style Hex color for the notification
  • expiration: Date until which the message is valid to be delivered
  • is_priority: Set to True to make it a priority message

Web specific:

  • web_actions: Actions for the push notifications, is a tuple: ("title", "action", "icon")
  • web_icon: Icon for the notification


To send a localizable push message you can use Android style format strings and replacement parameters. Web-Push notifications do not have a local stored translation table so they will be sent by using Django's translation facilities, so make sure to set the correct language environment before sending a message.

To create a localization for the Web-Push strings convert them to python .format() style strings and add them to the gettext .po file.

Basic interface works like this:

from firebase_push.message import PushMessage

msg = PushMessage(
  "Title with %s",
  "body number %d, string: %s",
  body_args=[10, 'a string']

For testing you can use msg.send(sync=True) to send the message immediately without involving celery

This will send a translateable message. The clients have to have translation tables.

  • Android needs just Title with %s and body number %d, string: %s in the strings
  • iOS will use something like Title with %@ and body number %@, string: %@
  • For Django/Web you will need Title with {:s} and body number {:d}, string: {:s}

It is possible to add positioning hints:

  • Android %1$s and %2$d to declare parameters as first and second
  • iOS will have it replaced with %1$@ and %2$@
  • For Django/Web use {1:s} and {2:s}

There are some additional attributes:

Apple specific:

  • action_loc: Identifier for the action item that is displayed (optional, will not display an action if undefined)

Web specific:

  • web_actions: action and title should be translatable strings or translation identifiers


Automatic cleanup of outdated device registrations and push notification history works by calling management commands. By default history is removed after 6 months, device registrations are disabled after 2 months as per recommendation from google. Disabled devices are removed after them being disabled for 2 months.

  • python age_devices [-s <days>]
  • python cleanup_devices [-s <days>]
  • python cleanup_history [-s <days>]

Attention: As firebase_push does not control what is saved in the push notification history the cleanup_history command may fail on unknown database constraints. Please duplicate the management command if that may happen with your implementation.