This is the documentation for the ROS bridge which enables two-way communication between ROS and CARLA. The information from the CARLA server is translated to ROS topics. In the same way, the messages sent between nodes in ROS get translated to commands to be applied in CARLA.
The ROS bridge is compatible with both ROS 1 and ROS 2.
The ROS bridge boasts the following features:
- Provides sensor data for LIDAR, Semantic LIDAR, Cameras (depth, segmentation, rgb, dvs), GNSS, Radar and IMU.
- Provides object data such as transforms, traffic light status, visualisation markers, collision and lane invasion.
- Control of AD agents through steering, throttle and brake.
- Control of aspects of the CARLA simulation like synchronous mode, playing and pausing the simulation and setting simulation parameters.
- CARLA ROS bridge - The main package required to run the ROS bridge
- ROS Compatiblity Node - The interface that allows the same API to call either ROS 1 or ROS 2 functions
- CARLA Spawn Objects - Provides a generic way to spawn actors
- CARLA Manual Control- A ROS-based visualization and control tool for an ego vehicle (similar to
provided by CARLA) - CARLA Ackerman Control - A controller to convert ackermann commands to steer/throttle/brake
- CARLA Waypoint Publisher - Publish and query CARLA waypoints
- CARLA AD Agent - An example agent that follows a route, avoids collisions and respects traffic lights
- CARLA AD Demo - An example package that provides everything needed to launch a CARLA ROS environment with an AD vehicle
- CARLA ROS Scenario Runner - A wrapper to execute OpenScenarios with the CARLA Scenario Runner via ROS
- CARLA Twist to Control - Convert twist controls to CARLA vehicle controls
- RVIZ plugin - An RVIZ plugin to visualize/control CARLA
- RQT Plugin - A RQT plugin to control CARLA
- PCL Recorder - Create point cloud maps from data captured from simulations
- ROS Sensors - Reference topics available in the different sensors
- ROS messages - Reference parameters available in CARLA ROS messages