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File metadata and controls

100 lines (70 loc) · 4.87 KB


The CARLA AD agent is an AD agent that can follow a given route, avoids crashes with other vehicles and respects the state of traffic lights by accessing ground truth data. It is used by the CARLA AD demo to provide an example of how the ROS bridge can be used.

Internally the CARLA AD Agent uses a separate node for local planning. This node has been optimized for the vehicle.tesla.model3, as it does not have any gear shift delays.

The PID parameters were gathered by Ziegler-Nichols method.


To be able to use the carla_ad_agent, a minimal set of sensors need to be spawned (see Carla Spawn Objects for information on how to spawn sensors):

  • An odometry pseudo sensor (sensor.pseudo.odom) with role-name odometry attached to the vehicle.
  • An object pseudo sensor (sensor.pseudo.objects) with role-name objects attached to the vehicle.
  • A traffic light pseudo sensor (sensor.pseudo.traffic_lights) with role-name traffic_lights.


AD Agent Node


Parameter Type Description
role_name string (default: ego_vehicle) CARLA role name of the ego vehicle
avoid_risk bool (default: true) If True, avoids crashes with other vehicles and respects traffic lights


Topic Type Description
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/target_speed std_msgs/Float64 Target speed of the ego vehicle
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/odometry nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry of the ego vehicle
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/vehicle_info carla_msgs/CarlaEgoVehicleInfo Identify the CARLA actor id of the ego vehicle
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/objects derived_object_msgs/ObjectArray Information about other actors
/carla/traffic_lights/status carla_msgs/CarlaTrafficLightStatusList Get the current state of the traffic lights
/carla/traffic_lights/info carla_msgs/CarlaTrafficLightInfoList Get info about traffic lights


Topic Type Description
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/speed_command std_msgs/Float64 Target speed

Local Planner Node


Parameter Type Description
role_name string (default: ego_vehicle) CARLA role name of the ego vehicle
control_time_step float (default: 0.05) Control loop rate
Kp_lateral float (default 0.9) Proportional term lateral PID controller
Ki_lateral float (default 0.0) Integral term lateral PID controller
Kd_lateral float (default 0.0) Derivative term lateral PID controller
Kp_longitudinal float (default 0.206) Proportional term longitudinal PID controller
Ki_longitudinal float (default 0.0206) Integral term longitudinal PID controller
Kd_longitudinal float (default 0.515) Derivative term longitudinal PID controller


Topic Type Description
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/waypoints nav_msgs/Path Route to follow
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/odometry nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry of the ego vehicle
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/speed_command std_msgs/Float64 Target speed


Topic Type Description
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/next_target visualization_msgs/Marker Next target pose marker
/carla/<ROLE NAME>/vehicle_control_cmd carla_msgs/CarlaEgoVehicleControl Vehicle control command